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Can You Drink Soda with Braces On? Insights from Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas

April 24th, 2024

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Navigating the do's and don'ts of orthodontic care can often seem overwhelming, especially when it involves your daily diet. A common question that many brace wearers have is whether it's safe to drink soda while undergoing orthodontic treatment. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand your concerns and are here to offer expert advice.

The Impact of Soda on Braces

Soda, both diet and regular, contains two main components that can compromise the integrity of your braces and overall oral health: sugar and acid. The sugar in regular soda can contribute to the formation of plaque around your braces, which increases the risk of cavities and gum disease. The acid, present in all sodas, can weaken the enamel and lead to tooth decay.

When you wear braces, maintaining excellent oral hygiene becomes even more critical. Brackets and wires can trap food particles and make it easier for plaque to build up. Consuming soda adds an additional risk because the sugar and acid are more likely to stay in contact with your teeth for longer periods, enhancing the potential for decay.

Alternatives to Soda

Understanding the risks associated with soda consumption during orthodontic treatment, we recommend healthier alternatives to keep your teeth strong and your braces intact. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Water: The best beverage for overall oral health. It helps wash away food particles and keeps your mouth hydrated.
  2. Flavored Water: If you're looking for a bit of flavor, opt for naturally flavored water or infuse water with fruits like lemon, lime, or berries for a refreshing twist.
  3. Milk: A great source of calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and bones.
  4. Unsweetened Tea: Contains fluoride, which can help protect against cavities and strengthen enamel.

Tips for Soda Lovers

If you find it challenging to eliminate soda entirely from your diet, here are some tips to minimize the damage while wearing braces:

  • Use a Straw: Drinking soda through a straw can help keep the liquid away from your teeth, reducing the exposure to sugar and acid.
  • Rinse Your Mouth: After consuming soda, rinse your mouth with water to help neutralize the acids and wash away sugars.
  • Limit Consumption: Try to reduce the frequency of soda intake, and consider it an occasional treat rather than a regular part of your diet.


While it might be tempting to indulge in a soda, considering the potential risks to your braces and dental health is crucial. By opting for healthier beverages and following the tips provided, you can ensure that your orthodontic journey is smooth and successful. Remember, taking care of your braces is an investment in your beautiful future smile! Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Ceramic vs. Metal Braces: Making the Right Choice for Your Smile

April 17th, 2024

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Choosing the right type of braces is a crucial decision that can affect not only your orthodontic treatment but also your confidence and comfort. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving both McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand the importance of personalized orthodontic solutions. Here, we delve into the differences between ceramic and metal braces to help you make an informed decision about which is right for you.

Understanding Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces offer a less visible alternative to traditional metal braces. Made from composite materials, they are designed to blend in with your natural tooth color. This makes them a popular choice for adults and teens who are conscious about the appearance of braces during orthodontic treatment.

Advantages of Ceramic Braces:

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Ceramic braces are less noticeable than metal braces, providing an aesthetic benefit for those who are self-conscious about wearing braces.
  • Comfort: Many patients find ceramic braces to be more comfortable because they are smoother and less likely to irritate the inside of the mouth.


  • Durability: While strong, ceramic braces can be more brittle than their metal counterparts. They require careful handling to avoid breakage.
  • Cost: Typically, ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces, reflecting their advanced cosmetic design.

Understanding Metal Braces

Metal braces are the traditional choice and have been used in orthodontics for decades. They are known for their strength and durability, making them an excellent option for a wide range of orthodontic issues.

Advantages of Metal Braces:

  • Durability: Metal braces are robust and less likely to break or chip compared to ceramic braces.
  • Efficiency: These braces often provide quicker results in complex cases, as they can handle more pressure and more significant adjustments.


  • Visibility: Metal braces are more noticeable than ceramic braces, which might be a concern for image-conscious patients.
  • Discomfort: Initially, metal braces might cause more irritation to the gums and cheeks.

Making the Right Choice

The choice between ceramic and metal braces ultimately depends on several factors, including aesthetic preference, the complexity of the orthodontic treatment needed, and budget considerations. An orthodontist can provide detailed advice based on your specific dental needs and personal preferences.

Both ceramic and metal braces have their advantages, and either option can be the right choice depending on your unique situation. It's important to consider both the aesthetic and functional aspects of each type before making a decision.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're leaning towards the discreet appearance of ceramic braces or the durable functionality of metal braces, the decision requires careful consideration of both your lifestyle needs and orthodontic goals. Consulting with an orthodontist can help clarify which type of braces will be most effective for achieving the smile you desire. Make sure to weigh the pros and cons of each option to ensure that your final choice aligns with your personal and aesthetic preferences. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Navigating Teeth Shaving: Insights from a McKinney Orthodontist

April 10th, 2024

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Teeth shaving, also known as interproximal reduction (IPR), is a dental procedure often surrounded by misconceptions. This minimally invasive technique involves the careful removal of a tiny amount of enamel from between the teeth to create space or improve their fit. Whether you're considering orthodontic treatment or simply curious about dental care options, understanding teeth shaving is crucial. This blog post aims to demystify the process, highlight its benefits, and provide tips on ensuring a positive experience.

Understanding Teeth Shaving:

Teeth shaving is a precise procedure used by orthodontists to address minor crowding or to refine the fit of teeth before, during, or after orthodontic treatment. It's a common practice that, when done correctly, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of braces or aligners. The process involves the use of specialized dental tools to gently remove a small amount of enamel, usually less than 0.5 millimeters, making it a conservative approach compared to other dental procedures.

Benefits of Teeth Shaving:

  1. Improves Alignment: By creating additional space, teeth shaving can facilitate better alignment and optimize the fit of dental aligners or braces.
  2. Enhances Appearance: It can subtly reshape teeth, contributing to a more harmonious smile.
  3. Minimally Invasive: As a conservative treatment, it preserves the integrity of your teeth while achieving the desired orthodontic results.

Avoiding a Bad Experience:

  1. Choose Experienced Professionals: The key to a successful teeth shaving procedure lies in the hands of experienced and skilled orthodontists.
  2. Understand the Process: Having a clear understanding of what the procedure entails can alleviate any apprehensions.
  3. Communicate Concerns: Openly discuss any worries or questions with your orthodontist to ensure clarity and comfort throughout the process.

Aftercare and Maintenance:

Post-procedure care is minimal, but maintaining good oral hygiene is paramount. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups will help preserve the health and longevity of your teeth following the shaving process.

Final Thoughts:

Teeth shaving is a valuable orthodontic technique that, when performed by skilled professionals, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of orthodontic treatments and the aesthetics of your smile. By understanding the procedure, selecting the right orthodontic team, and following proper aftercare, you can ensure a positive and successful experience. If you're in McKinney or Anna, Texas, consider Packard Family Orthodontics for your dental needs, where patient care and exceptional results are our top priorities. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Understanding the Role of Lower Lingual Holding Arch in Orthodontic Treatment

April 3rd, 2024

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Orthodontic advancements have significantly improved the way dental professionals approach teeth alignment and oral health. Among these innovations, the Lower Lingual Holding Arch (LLHA) stands out for its efficacy in managing space within the lower jaw. This blog post explores the LLHA, its benefits, and how it plays a crucial role in contemporary orthodontic care, making it an essential consideration for anyone looking to improve their dental health.

What is a Lower Lingual Holding Arch?

The Lower Lingual Holding Arch is an orthodontic device designed to maintain the space in the lower jaw. It is particularly beneficial for children who lose their baby teeth early, preventing the neighboring teeth from drifting into the empty space and causing alignment issues. The LLHA is custom-made and fixed to the molars, with a wire running along the inside of the lower teeth. Its discreet placement makes it an excellent option for those concerned about the visibility of orthodontic appliances.

Key Benefits of LLHA:

  1. Space Preservation: LLHA effectively maintains the necessary space for permanent teeth to erupt correctly, preventing overcrowding and misalignment.
  2. Less Invasive: As a non-extraction solution, LLHA allows for natural dental development without the need for removing healthy teeth.
  3. Improved Oral Health: By preventing teeth from shifting into undesired positions, LLHA aids in maintaining better oral hygiene, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Care:

  1. Professional Consultation: A comprehensive dental examination by a seasoned orthodontist is pivotal in determining the suitability of the LLHA for the patient.
  2. Tailored Treatment: The customization of the LLHA device is critical to its success, ensuring that it fits perfectly and works effectively for the individual's specific dental needs.
  3. Ongoing Supervision: Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the treatment's progress and make any necessary adjustments to the appliance.

This is where we come in, at Packard Family Orthodontics, your smile is our priority.

Bottom Line

The Lower Lingual Holding Arch is a powerful tool in orthodontics, offering a solution to preserve space and encourage proper dental alignment. Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, is your ideal partner in this journey towards a healthier, more beautiful smile. Ready to explore how the Lower Lingual Holding Arch can benefit you or your child? Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

The Hidden Danger of Impacted Canines and Root Resorption

March 27th, 2024

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When it comes to oral health, some issues are less visible and widely discussed than others. One such concern that often flies under the radar, yet can have significant implications for your dental well-being, is the problem of impacted canines and the risk of root resorption. This post aims to shed light on these topics, emphasizing the importance of awareness and early intervention.

Understanding Impacted Canines

Canines, the sharp, pointed teeth that frame the mouth, play a crucial role in our dental setup. Beyond their functional importance in biting and tearing food, canines are key to the overall alignment of the teeth. However, when these teeth fail to emerge properly and become stuck under the gum line, they are considered "impacted." This not only leads to discomfort but can also cause a domino effect of dental problems if not addressed promptly.

The Hidden Threat: Root Resorption

One serious complication associated with impacted canines is root resorption. This occurs when the root structure of a tooth begins to break down or dissolve, a process often triggered by the pressure from the impacted tooth. Root resorption can lead to significant tooth weakening and, ultimately, loss if not treated in a timely manner.

Recognizing the Signs

Identifying the signs of impacted canines and root resorption early on is crucial for effective treatment. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the affected area
  • Visible gaps where the canine should have erupted
  • Prolonged retention of baby teeth
  • Swelling or tenderness of the gums

Navigating Treatment Options

The approach to treating impacted canines and preventing root resorption involves a combination of early detection and tailored treatment plans. Advanced imaging techniques, such as dental X-rays or CT scans, play a crucial role in diagnosing the extent of the issue. Treatment options might include orthodontic interventions to guide the proper eruption of the canine or, in more complex cases, surgical procedures to remove or reposition the impacted tooth.

Prevention and Proactive Care

Preventative measures are your best defense against impacted canines and root resorption. Maintaining regular dental check-ups allows for early detection and management of potential issues. Good oral hygiene practices, including proper brushing and flossing, are also essential in keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

The Bottom Line

While the issues of impacted canines and root resorption may not be as widely recognized as cavities or gum disease, their impact on oral health can be profound. Understanding the risks, recognizing the signs, and seeking timely dental consultation can make a significant difference in managing these dental challenges. Remember, proactive care and early intervention are key to maintaining a healthy, happy smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Tips to Preventing Tooth Decay During Braces

March 20th, 2024

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Are you undergoing orthodontic treatment with braces and concerned about the risk of tooth decay? Tooth decay, also known as cavities, can be a common concern for individuals wearing braces due to the challenges of maintaining proper oral hygiene. In this blog post, we'll discuss the relationship between braces and tooth decay and provide practical tips to help you maintain optimal oral health throughout your orthodontic journey.

Understanding Braces and Tooth Decay

Braces can increase the risk of tooth decay for several reasons:

  1. Difficulty Cleaning: The brackets and wires of braces create small spaces where food particles and plaque can accumulate, making it challenging to clean the teeth thoroughly.
  2. Acid Buildup: When food particles and plaque accumulate around braces, they can interact with bacteria in the mouth to produce acids. These acids can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities if not properly addressed.
  3. Deminaralization: The constant pressure exerted by braces on the teeth can weaken the enamel, making them more susceptible to demineralization and decay.

Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay During Braces Treatment

  1. Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Brushing and flossing regularly are essential for removing food particles and plaque from around braces. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and an interdental brush or floss threader to clean between brackets and wires.
  2. Use Fluoride: Incorporate a fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash into your oral hygiene routine. Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities.
  3. Limit Sugary Foods and Beverages: Sugary snacks and drinks can increase the risk of tooth decay. Limit your consumption of sugary foods and opt for healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables.
  4. Attend Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule routine dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist and/or orthodontist to monitor your oral health and address any issues promptly.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles and bacteria from the mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, maintaining optimal oral hygiene is essential for preventing tooth decay during orthodontic treatment with braces. By following the tips outlined in this blog post and seeking regular orthodontic care, you can protect your teeth and achieve a healthy, beautiful smile. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about how we can support you on your orthodontic journey! Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Exploring Lower Expanders: Installation and Activation

March 13th, 2024

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Are you or a loved one gearing up for orthodontic treatment involving a lower expander? Understanding how this device works, as well as the process of putting it in and activating it, is essential for a successful orthodontic journey. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we specialize in providing comprehensive orthodontic care, including the installation and activation of lower expanders. In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at lower expanders, shedding light on their functionality and the steps involved in their placement and activation.

Lower Expanders: A Brief Overview

Before we delve into the specifics of installing and activating a lower expander, let's gain a basic understanding of what a lower expander is and how it works.

Lower Expander: A lower expander, also known as a mandibular expander, is a dental device used to address issues such as crowding or misalignment of the lower teeth and jaw. It consists of two halves connected by a screw mechanism, which allows for gradual expansion of the lower arch over time.

How to Put In and Activate a Lower Expander

Now, let's walk through the step-by-step process of installing and activating a lower expander:

1. Initial Consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with your orthodontist. During this appointment, your orthodontist will evaluate your dental and orthodontic needs to determine if a lower expander is the right treatment option for you.

2. Customization: If a lower expander is recommended, impressions or digital scans of your teeth and jaw will be taken to create a custom-fitted expander that matches your mouth's unique dimensions.

3. Installation: Once the lower expander is ready, you'll return to your orthodontist for the installation procedure. Your orthodontist will carefully place the expander in your mouth, positioning it along the lower arch of your teeth.

4. Activation: The activation process involves turning the screw mechanism on the expander to initiate gradual expansion of the lower arch. Your orthodontist will provide specific instructions on how often and how much to turn the screw, typically using a special key provided with the expander.

5. Adjustment and Monitoring: Over the course of treatment, you'll visit your orthodontist periodically for adjustments and progress monitoring. Your orthodontist will assess the expansion process, make any necessary modifications to the expander, and ensure that treatment is progressing as planned

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, lower expanders are valuable orthodontic devices that play a crucial role in addressing lower arch crowding and misalignment. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we are dedicated to providing high-quality orthodontic care, including the installation and activation of lower expanders. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how lower expanders can benefit you and take the first step towards achieving a healthier, more confident smile! Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Deciding Between Hawley and Clear Retainers: Retainers 101

March 6th, 2024

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Are you nearing the end of your orthodontic treatment journey and wondering which type of retainer is right for you? At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand the importance of selecting the most suitable retainer to maintain your newly aligned smile. In this guide, we'll explore the differences between Hawley and Clear retainers, helping you make an informed decision about which option best fits your needs.

Understanding Retainers 101: Hawley vs. Clear

Before we delve into the specifics of each type of retainer, let's briefly discuss what retainers are and why they're essential after orthodontic treatment.

Retainers: Retainers are custom-made dental appliances designed to hold teeth in their new positions after braces or other orthodontic treatments. They prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions and help maintain the results of orthodontic treatment.

Now, let's compare two common types of retainers: Hawley and Clear.

Hawley Retainers

1. Design: Hawley retainers consist of a durable acrylic base that sits against the roof of the mouth or along the bottom of the mouth. They feature a metal wire that wraps around the front teeth to hold them in place.

2. Adjustability: One advantage of Hawley retainers is that they are adjustable. Orthodontists can make minor adjustments to the wire to ensure optimal retention and comfort.

3. Durability: Hawley retainers are known for their durability and longevity. With proper care, they can last for several years.

4. Visibility: Hawley retainers are visible when worn, as the metal wire is noticeable against the teeth. Some patients may prefer a more discreet option.

Clear Retainers

1. Material: Clear retainers, also known as Essix retainers, are made of transparent plastic material. They are custom-fitted to the contours of the teeth, providing a snug and comfortable fit.

2. Aesthetics: Clear retainers are virtually invisible when worn, making them a popular choice among patients who prioritize aesthetics.

3. Comfort: Clear retainers tend to be more comfortable than Hawley retainers, as they do not have any metal components that may cause irritation or discomfort.

4. Maintenance: Clear retainers require regular cleaning to prevent discoloration and maintain transparency. They are also more susceptible to damage if not handled with care.

Choosing the Right Retainer for You

When deciding between Hawley and Clear retainers, consider the following factors:

  • Visibility Preference: Do you prefer a retainer that is discreet (Clear) or don't mind a slightly more visible option (Hawley)?
  • Comfort: Are you sensitive to metal components (consider Clear), or do you prioritize durability and adjustability (consider Hawley)?
  • Maintenance: Are you willing to commit to regular cleaning and maintenance (Clear), or do you prefer a low-maintenance option (Hawley)?

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, both Hawley and Clear retainers offer unique advantages and considerations. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand that choosing the right retainer is a personal decision based on individual preferences and needs. Our experienced orthodontic team is here to guide you through the selection process and provide customized solutions to help you maintain your beautiful smile for years to come. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Braces 101: How Power Chain works

February 28th, 2024

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Are you considering braces to achieve that dazzling smile you've always dreamed of? At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand that the journey to a perfect smile involves understanding the tools and techniques used in orthodontic treatment. One such tool that plays a vital role in aligning teeth is the Power Chain. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of the Power Chain, how it works, and why it's an essential component of your orthodontic journey.

Understanding Braces 101: What is a Power Chain?

Before we dive into the specifics of a Power Chain, let's have a quick refresher on braces. Braces consist of brackets bonded to teeth and wires that run through the brackets. These components work together to apply gentle pressure, gradually shifting teeth into their desired positions.

Now, imagine a thin elastic chain connecting the braces' brackets. This is where the Power Chain comes into play. A Power Chain is a stretchable elastic band that looks like a chain of small rubber rings. It is placed around the brackets to help close gaps between teeth and align them properly.

How Does the Power Chain Work?

The primary function of a Power Chain is to exert continuous pressure on the teeth, promoting movement in a specific direction. Here's how it works:

  1. Closing Gaps: If you have gaps between your teeth, the Power Chain is used to gradually close them. The elastic nature of the chain allows it to apply consistent pressure, bringing the teeth closer together over time.
  2. Aligning Teeth: In cases where teeth are misaligned or crooked, the Power Chain helps guide them into the desired position. By applying pressure to the brackets, the chain encourages the teeth to move in a coordinated manner, resulting in a straighter smile.
  3. Correcting Overbites or Underbites: Power Chains can also aid in correcting bite issues by guiding the teeth into proper alignment. Whether you have an overbite (upper teeth protruding over the lower teeth) or an underbite (lower teeth overlapping the upper teeth), the Power Chain assists in achieving a harmonious bite.

Power Chain vs. Traditional Braces: Understanding the Difference

When considering orthodontic treatment, you may come across various options, including traditional braces and alternatives like Invisalign®. Let's take a closer look at how Power Chain compares to traditional braces:

1. Appearance:

  • Traditional Braces: Traditional braces consist of metal brackets and wires that are visible when you smile. While some patients embrace the classic look of traditional braces, others may feel self-conscious about their appearance.
  • Power Chain: Power Chains are typically made of clear or tooth-colored elastic material, making them less noticeable compared to metal wires and brackets. This can be a more aesthetically pleasing option for individuals who are concerned about the appearance of their braces.

2. Treatment Time:

  • Traditional Braces: Treatment time with traditional braces can vary depending on the severity of the orthodontic issues. On average, treatment with traditional braces may take anywhere from 18 months to 3 years.
  • Power Chain: Power Chains are often used as part of traditional braces treatment to address specific issues such as closing gaps between teeth or aligning misaligned teeth. While the overall treatment time may not be significantly affected by the use of Power Chains alone, they can help expedite certain aspects of treatment, potentially reducing overall treatment time.

3. Comfort:

  • Traditional Braces: Traditional braces may cause discomfort, particularly in the initial stages of treatment or after adjustments. The metal brackets and wires can sometimes irritate the cheeks, lips, and gums.
  • Power Chain: Power Chains, being made of elastic material, tend to be more comfortable compared to metal wires and brackets. However, some patients may experience mild discomfort or soreness, especially after the placement of a new Power Chain or during adjustments.

4. Effectiveness:

  • Traditional Braces: Traditional braces are highly effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, gaps, and bite misalignments. They provide precise control over tooth movement and are suitable for complex cases.
  • Power Chain: Power Chains are a supplementary component of traditional braces treatment, enhancing their effectiveness in specific areas such as closing gaps and aligning teeth. When used in conjunction with traditional braces, Power Chains can help achieve optimal results.

5. Maintenance:

  • Traditional Braces: With traditional braces, proper maintenance is essential to ensure treatment progresses smoothly. Patients need to adhere to oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and attending scheduled appointments for adjustments.
  • Power Chain: Similarly, patients with Power Chains need to maintain good oral hygiene habits to prevent plaque buildup and minimize the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Regular visits to the orthodontist are necessary for adjustments and monitoring of progress.

The Bottom Line:

While traditional braces offer precise control over tooth movement and are effective for various orthodontic issues, Power Chains serve as supplementary tools, aiding in specific tasks like closing gaps and aligning teeth. Both options require proper maintenance and regular visits to the orthodontist to ensure successful treatment outcomes. Whether you opt for traditional braces or incorporate Power Chain into your treatment plan, our expert team is dedicated to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Smile Brighter: Closing Tooth Gaps Safely with Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas

February 21st, 2024

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Are you considering closing a tooth gap with rubber bands? This common question often arises among individuals seeking to address dental gaps without invasive procedures. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand the importance of informed decisions regarding dental care. Let's delve into whether closing tooth gaps with rubber bands is safe and effective.

Understanding Teeth Gaps

Teeth gaps, also known as diastema, can occur for various reasons, including genetics, abnormal frenum attachment, missing teeth, or improper jaw alignment. While some individuals embrace their gaps as a unique feature, others may seek methods to close them for aesthetic or functional reasons.

The Role of Rubber Bands

Rubber bands, also called orthodontic elastics, are commonly used in orthodontic treatment to exert pressure on teeth, guiding them into proper alignment. However, using rubber bands to close teeth gaps without professional guidance can pose risks.

Potential Risks

  1. Misalignment: Applying rubber bands without proper supervision can lead to misalignment or shifting of teeth, exacerbating existing dental issues.
  2. Tooth Damage: Incorrect placement or excessive pressure from rubber bands can damage tooth enamel, roots, or gums, leading to potential long-term complications.
  3. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Issues: Improper use of rubber bands can strain the TMJ, causing discomfort, pain, or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) symptoms.

Safety Considerations

While some individuals may achieve temporary results using rubber bands to close tooth gaps, it's crucial to prioritize safety and effectiveness. Here's why seeking professional guidance from an orthodontic specialist like Packard Family Orthodontics is essential:

  1. Customized Treatment Plans: Orthodontists assess each patient's unique dental anatomy, alignment, and oral health before recommending appropriate treatment options.
  2. Monitoring Progress: Professional supervision ensures that tooth movement occurs gradually and safely, minimizing risks of complications.
  3. Comprehensive Care: Orthodontic practices like Packard Family Orthodontics offer a range of treatment modalities, including braces, clear aligners, and specialized appliances, tailored to individual needs.

Alternative Solutions

Instead of relying on DIY methods like rubber bands, consider consulting with our experienced orthodontic team for safe, effective solutions, such as:

  • Traditional Braces: Braces apply controlled pressure to gradually close teeth gaps while correcting misalignments.
  • Clear Aligner Therapy: Invisalign® and similar systems offer discreet, removable aligners to gradually shift teeth into proper alignment, including closing gaps.
  • Dental Bonding or Veneers: Cosmetic procedures like bonding or veneers can quickly conceal small tooth gaps for a seamless smile appearance.

Bottom Line

While the idea of closing tooth gaps with rubber bands may seem tempting, it's essential to prioritize your dental health and safety. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we're committed to providing personalized, comprehensive orthodontic care to help you achieve a healthy, confident smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

A McKinney Orthodontist's Insight: Should I Get Teeth Pulled Before Getting Braces?

February 14th, 2024

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Embarking on the journey to straighten your teeth with braces is an exciting step towards achieving a confident smile. However, for many individuals, the prospect of getting braces raises questions about whether they might need to have teeth pulled beforehand. In this blog post we'll shed light on this topic.

Do You Need Teeth Pulled Before Getting Braces?

One of the most common questions among individuals considering braces treatment is whether teeth extractions are necessary. The answer as explained by, Dr. Packard, varies from case to case.

Factors Determining the Need for Teeth Extractions:

  1. Crowding: If your mouth is overcrowded, meaning there isn't enough space for all your teeth to align properly, extractions may be necessary to create room for the remaining teeth to shift into alignment.
  2. Jaw Size Discrepancy: Sometimes, the size of your jaw may not accommodate all your teeth comfortably. In such cases, extractions might be recommended to ensure the best possible outcome for your orthodontic treatment.
  3. Bite Alignment Issues: In cases where you have a severe overbite, underbite, or crossbite, extracting certain teeth may be necessary to facilitate the correction of your bite alignment.

Advice from Packard Family Orthodontics:

Dr. Packard of Packard Family Orthodontics emphasizes the importance of a thorough examination and personalized treatment plan before determining the need for tooth extractions. "At Packard Family Orthodontics, we prioritize individualized care for each of our patients," says Dr. Packard. "During your initial consultation, we'll assess your dental and facial structure to determine if extractions are necessary for optimal results."

Benefits of Consulting with an Experienced Orthodontist:

  1. Customized Treatment Plans: Orthodontists, like those at Packard Family Orthodontics, tailor treatment plans to address your specific needs, ensuring the best possible outcome for your smile.
  2. Advanced Technology: With access to state-of-the-art technology and techniques, experienced orthodontists can accurately assess your dental anatomy and plan treatment accordingly, minimizing the need for unnecessary extractions.
  3. Comprehensive Care: Beyond just straightening your teeth, orthodontists prioritize your overall oral health, considering factors such as jaw alignment and bite function to deliver comprehensive care.

The Bottom Line:

Navigating the decision to get teeth pulled before getting braces can be daunting, but with expert guidance from orthodontic professionals like Packard Family Orthodontics, you can make informed decisions about your treatment. Remember, every smile is unique, and a personalized approach is key to achieving optimal results. Whether you're in McKinney or Anna, Texas, trust Packard Family Orthodontics to guide you on your journey to a straighter, healthier smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Traditional Braces vs Damon Braces - Deciding the Best Fit for Your Smile with Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas

February 7th, 2024

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Are you considering braces to transform your smile? It's a big decision, and one that requires careful consideration of the options available to you. At Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand that choosing between traditional braces and Damon braces can be overwhelming. That's why we're here to break down the differences and help you make an informed choice that's best for your dental health and lifestyle.

Understanding Traditional Braces

Traditional braces have been the go-to option for decades, effectively correcting a wide range of dental issues. They consist of metal brackets attached to each tooth, connected by wires and secured with elastic bands. This tried-and-true method gradually shifts your teeth into their desired positions over time.

Advantages of Traditional Braces:

  1. Proven Track Record: Traditional braces have a long history of success in orthodontic treatment, making them a reliable choice for many patients.
  2. Cost-Effective: Typically, traditional braces are more affordable than some alternative options, making them accessible to a broader range of individuals.
  3. Suitable for Complex Cases: They are particularly effective for correcting severe misalignments and bite issues.

The Rise of Damon Braces

In recent years, Damon braces have gained popularity as a modern alternative to traditional braces. This self-ligating system eliminates the need for elastic bands by using specialized brackets that hold the wires in place. This design allows for smoother, more comfortable movement of the teeth throughout the treatment process.

Advantages of Damon Braces:

  1. Faster Treatment Time: Damon braces often result in shorter overall treatment times compared to traditional braces, thanks to their innovative self-ligating technology.
  2. Fewer Adjustments Needed: Since there are no elastic bands to replace, patients with Damon braces typically require fewer visits to the orthodontist for adjustments.
  3. Improved Comfort: The absence of elastic bands and smaller brackets can lead to a more comfortable orthodontic experience for some patients.

Making the Right Choice for You

So, which option is better for you – traditional braces or Damon braces? Ultimately, the answer depends on your unique dental needs, lifestyle, and preferences. During your initial consultation with your orthodontist, they will conduct a thorough examination and discuss your treatment goals to help determine the most suitable orthodontic approach for you.

Bottom Line

Don't let the decision between traditional braces and Damon braces overwhelm you. With the expertise and personalized care of Packard Family Orthodontics, you can confidently embark on your journey to a brighter, more confident smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Retainers 101 – Your Guide from Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas

January 31st, 2024

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Welcome to Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas! We're committed to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. As part of your orthodontic treatment, you may be required to wear a retainer. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the ins and outs of retainers to ensure your smile remains stunning.

What is a Retainer?

Before we dive into the do's and don'ts, let's start with the basics. A retainer is a custom-made orthodontic appliance designed to maintain the position of your teeth after braces or other orthodontic treatment. It helps prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original alignment, ensuring your investment in a straight smile is preserved.

Taking Off Your Retainer

  1. Handle with Care: The first rule of taking off your retainer is to handle it gently. Use both hands to avoid applying undue pressure to any part of it.
  2. Start at the Back: If your retainer has an archwire, start by loosening it from the back teeth using your fingertips. Work your way forward to avoid damaging the retainer or your teeth.
  3. Use a Mirror: Always use a mirror when taking off your retainer to ensure you can see what you're doing. This minimizes the risk of accidentally bending or breaking it.

Do's and Don'ts of Retainer Care


  1. Clean Regularly: Clean your retainer daily to prevent the buildup of bacteria and plaque. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and mild soap or retainer cleaning tablets recommended by your orthodontist.
  2. Store Safely: When you're not wearing your retainer, store it in its protective case. Avoid leaving it out where it can get damaged or lost.
  3. Follow Your Orthodontist's Instructions: Your orthodontist will provide specific guidelines for wearing and caring for your retainer. Always follow these instructions to ensure the best results.


  1. Don't Expose to Heat: Avoid leaving your retainer in a hot car or near a heat source, as heat can cause it to warp or lose its shape.
  2. Don't Wrap in Tissue: Never wrap your retainer in a tissue or napkin while eating. This is a common way retainers get accidentally discarded.
  3. Don't Chew Gum with Retainers: Chewing gum with your retainer in can cause damage and compromise its effectiveness.

Bottom Line:

Retainers are a vital part of orthodontic treatment, and proper care is crucial to maintaining your beautiful smile. At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we are here to guide you every step of the way. For personalized advice and to schedule a consultation with our experienced orthodontists, Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here! We're here to help you achieve the smile you've always dreamed of!

Discovering Relief: Orthodontic Solutions for TMJ Pain and Discomfort

January 24th, 2024

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Are you suffering from TMJ pain and discomfort? If so, you're not alone. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing. The good news is that effective orthodontic treatments can help alleviate these issues.

Understanding TMJ Disorders:

Before we dive into how orthodontic treatments and surgery can help, let's first understand what TMJ disorders are. The TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to your skull, allowing you to move your jaw up and down and side to side. When this joint becomes dysfunctional, it can lead to a range of problems, collectively known as TMJ disorders.

Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorders:

  • Jaw pain or soreness
  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth
  • Earaches
  • Facial pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Locking of the jaw

How Orthodontic Treatments and Surgery Can Help:

Orthodontic treatments and/or surgery can be a game-changer for individuals suffering from TMJ disorders. Here's how:

Braces: Braces are a common orthodontic solution for TMJ disorders. They help correct misaligned teeth and ensure your bite is properly aligned, reducing the stress on the TMJ.

Invisalign: For those who prefer a more discreet option, Invisalign clear aligners can also be used to correct bite and alignment issues. Invisalign offers the advantage of being nearly invisible while providing effective treatment.

Orthodontic Appliances: Orthodontists may recommend orthodontic appliances to help alleviate TMJ pain. These appliances are designed to reposition the jaw and relieve pressure on the TMJ, reducing pain and discomfort.

Surgical Interventions: In some cases, surgical procedures may be recommended to address severe TMJ disorders. These surgical options can include arthroscopy, open-joint surgery, or joint replacement. Your orthodontist will evaluate your condition and discuss the appropriate surgical approach if needed.

Monitoring and Follow-Up: The orthodontic team will closely monitor your progress throughout treatment. Regular check-ups ensure that your TMJ issues are improving, and adjustments can be made as needed.

Bottom Line:

If you're suffering from TMJ pain and discomfort orthodontic treatments and surgical options, can improve your jaw's alignment, alleviate pain, and enhance your overall quality of life. Don't let TMJ disorders hold you back; schedule a consultation with Packard Family Orthodontics today and take the first step towards a pain-free, healthier smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Maintaining Your New Smile: The Basics on Permanent Retainers

January 17th, 2024

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Packard Family Orthodontics, serving McKinney and Anna, Texas, is dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a perfect smile. After your braces have done their job, it's important to understand how permanent retainers work to keep your smile in tip-top shape.

The Basics of Orthodontic Treatment:

Orthodontic treatment, like braces, is used to correct misaligned teeth and improve your bite. Braces gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions, creating a beautiful, straight smile.

The Importance of Retention:

Once your braces are removed, your teeth can gradually shift back to their original positions. Retainers are essential to maintaining the results. There are two types: removable and permanent.

Defining Permanent Retainers:

Permanent retainers, also known as bonded or fixed retainers, are a fantastic choice for those who want a low-maintenance, long-term solution. These retainers consist of a thin wire that is bonded to the back of your teeth, usually the lower front teeth.

How Do Permanent Retainers Work?

Permanent retainers work by providing continuous pressure to keep your teeth in their new positions. The wire is discreetly placed and bonded to the teeth.

Advantages of Permanent Retainers:

  • Long-Term Stability: Permanent retainers provide a more extended retention solution compared to removable retainers.
  • Low Maintenance: Unlike removable retainers, there's no need to remember to wear them regularly.
  • Invisibility: The wire is hidden behind your teeth, so no one will notice it.
  • Comfort: They are comfortable and don't interfere with speech or eating.

Caring for Permanent Retainers:

Caring for permanent retainers is easy. Regular oral hygiene practices, like brushing and flossing, are essential. Special tools may be needed to clean around the wire. Regular check-ups with your orthodontist will ensure everything is in order.

The Bottom Line

In summary, permanent retainers are an excellent option for maintaining the results of your orthodontic treatment without the hassle of removable retainers. At Packard Family Orthodontics, we're here to help you achieve and preserve a stunning smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Understanding Overjet Bite: When and Why to Correct It - Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna Texas

January 10th, 2024

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Welcome to Packard Family Orthodontics, your trusted orthodontic practice in McKinney and Anna, Texas. If you or your loved ones have concerns about overjet bite, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, we will delve into the causes of an overjet bite and when it should be corrected. You will learn the need to know about this common dental issue and how we can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.

What is Overjet Bite?

An overjet bite, often referred to as "buck teeth" or "protruding teeth," is a common orthodontic problem that occurs when the upper front teeth extend too far forward over the lower front teeth. This condition can lead to both cosmetic and functional issues, which is why many individuals seek orthodontic treatment to correct it.

Causes of Overjet Bite:

Several factors can contribute to the development of an overjet bite, including:

  1. Genetics: Your family history plays a significant role in your dental health. If you have a family history of overjet bite, you may be more likely to develop it.
  2. Thumb-Sucking or Pacifier Use: Prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use during childhood can push the front teeth forward, leading to an overjet bite.
  3. Tongue Thrusting: Some individuals have a habit of thrusting their tongue against their front teeth when swallowing, which can push the upper teeth forward over time.
  4. Jaw Growth: Irregular jaw growth patterns can also contribute to an overjet bite. An underdeveloped lower jaw or an overdeveloped upper jaw can result in this condition.

When Should an Overjet Bite Be Corrected?

Correcting an overjet bite is essential not only for aesthetics but also for your oral health and overall well-being. Here are some key reasons why you should consider orthodontic treatment for overjet bite correction:

  1. Improved Aesthetics: A protruding front teeth can affect your confidence and self-esteem. Correcting an overjet bite can help you achieve a more balanced and attractive smile.
  2. Better Speech and Pronunciation: Overjet bites can interfere with proper speech and pronunciation. Orthodontic treatment can improve your ability to speak clearly.
  3. Reduced Risk of Injury: Protruding teeth are more susceptible to trauma, especially in contact sports or accidents. Correcting the overjet can help protect your teeth from injury.
  4. Enhanced Dental Health: Overjet bites can make proper oral hygiene more challenging, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Correcting the bite can improve your dental health.
  5. Functional Improvement: Properly aligned teeth and jaws ensure efficient chewing and biting, which can aid digestion and overall well-being.

Bottom Line:

Understanding the causes and potential consequences of an overjet bite is the first step towards making informed decisions about your oral health. Packard Family Orthodontics, with locations in McKinney and Anna, Texas, is here to provide you with the knowledge and expertise you need to make the right choices for your dental well-being. Don't hesitate to reach out for a consultation to explore your options and take steps towards a healthier, more confident smile. Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here!

Dealing with Extra Teeth: Insights from Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna Texas

January 3rd, 2024

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Dealing with Extra Teeth: Insights from Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna Texas

Welcome to Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas! We're your go-to source for all things related to orthodontic care. Today, we're going to discuss a fascinating topic – extra teeth! Yes, you read that right; some people can have extra teeth. In this blog post, we'll explore what it means, why it happens, how to identify extra teeth, and most importantly, what to do if you find yourself in this scenario. Let's dive in!

Understanding Extra Teeth:

Extra teeth, also known as supernumerary teeth, are additional teeth that grow beyond the normal set of 32 adult teeth. These extra teeth can appear anywhere in the mouth, and they can take various forms, including molars, incisors, or even small, peg-like structures. While having extra teeth is relatively rare, it's essential to address them promptly to maintain your oral health.

Why Do Extra Teeth Occur?

The exact cause of extra teeth isn't always clear, but several factors may contribute to their development. Some potential reasons include genetic predisposition, hereditary factors, hormonal imbalances, or even environmental influences. It's important to note that extra teeth can occur in both children and adults, and they can lead to various dental issues if left untreated.

How to Identify Extra Teeth:

Identifying extra teeth early is crucial to prevent potential complications. Here are some signs and symptoms that may indicate you have extra teeth:

  1. Crowded or misaligned teeth.
  2. Gaps or spacing issues between teeth.
  3. Pain or discomfort while chewing or biting.
  4. Extra bumps or protrusions in the gums.
  5. Dental X-rays may reveal the presence of extra teeth.

What to Do If You Have Extra Teeth:

If you suspect or have been diagnosed with extra teeth, it's essential to consult an orthodontic specialist like Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Our experienced orthodontists will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and scans, to assess the location, size, and impact of the extra teeth on your oral health.
  2. Treatment Options: Depending on your specific case, our orthodontic team will recommend a tailored treatment plan. Treatment options may include extraction of the extra teeth, orthodontic appliances, or a combination of both.
  3. Orthodontic Care: If necessary, our skilled team will provide orthodontic treatment to correct any misalignment or spacing issues caused by extra teeth. This may involve braces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic solutions to ensure a healthy, functional smile.
  4. Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, discovering that you have extra teeth may raise questions and concerns, but rest assured that Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, is here to help you every step of the way. Identifying and addressing extra teeth early is vital for maintaining your oral health and achieving a beautiful, confident smile. If you suspect you have extra teeth or have any dental concerns, Book your consultation with Dr. Packard here

Decoding Tom Cruise's Midline Dilemma: How to Achieve Dental Harmony

December 13th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Tom Cruise has been a Hollywood icon for decades, known not only for his acting prowess but also for his distinctive smile. However, keen-eyed fans may have noticed something slightly off about his teeth. In this blog post, we'll explore why Tom Cruise's teeth may appear less than perfect and discuss how to fix a midline discrepancy, all inspired by the insights provided in the video.

Understanding the Midline Issue

Tom Cruise's midline discrepancy refers to the misalignment of his upper and lower dental midlines. The dental midline is an imaginary line that ideally should align with the center of a person's face, creating a harmonious and balanced smile. When the midlines do not match up, it can lead to an asymmetrical appearance and affect the overall aesthetics of the smile.

Causes of Midline Discrepancy:

Several factors can contribute to a midline discrepancy, including genetics, dental development issues, and habits like thumb-sucking during childhood. It's not uncommon for individuals to have some degree of midline misalignment, but in the case of celebrities like Tom Cruise, any imperfection can become highly noticeable due to constant public scrutiny.

How to Fix a Midline Discrepancy:

  • Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontic options, such as braces or Invisalign, are often recommended to correct midline issues. These treatments gradually shift teeth into their proper positions, aligning the midlines for a more balanced smile.
  • Dental Crowns or Veneers: For cases where orthodontic treatment may not be suitable or practical, dental crowns or veneers can be used to adjust the appearance of teeth and create the illusion of a properly aligned midline.
  • Surgical Intervention: In severe cases of midline discrepancies, surgical correction may be necessary. Orthognathic surgery can reposition the jaws and correct the alignment of the dental midlines.
  • Smile Makeover: A comprehensive smile makeover, which may include a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures, can transform the overall look of the smile, addressing midline issues and other cosmetic concerns simultaneously.

Bottom Line

Even Hollywood stars like Tom Cruise can experience dental imperfections, as exemplified by his midline discrepancy. However, the good news is that modern dentistry provides a variety of solutions to correct midline issues and attain a balanced, beautiful smile. If you find yourself concerned about your dental midline alignment, don't hesitate to reach out to a qualified orthodontist or cosmetic dentist. Whether you're in McKinney or Anna, Texas, Packard Family Orthodontics is here to help. Our expert team can assess your unique situation and recommend the most suitable treatment option, ensuring that achieving a stunning smile is well within your reach, just like it is for celebrities!

Transforming Smiles: Packard Family Orthodontics

December 5th, 2023

Welcome to Packard Family Orthodontics, your trusted destination for achieving the perfect smile in McKinney and Anna, Texas. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch orthodontic care, ensuring you and your family experience the highest level of comfort and satisfaction. In this blog post, we'll explore the unique offerings and personalized approach that make Packard Family Orthodontics stand out in the field.

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Unveiling Packard Family Orthodontics

At Packard Family Orthodontics, we understand the significance of a confident and healthy smile. With a commitment to excellence, our experienced team led by Dr. Packard is here to guide you through your orthodontic journey. Our clinics in McKinney and Anna are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring a seamless and comfortable experience for all our patients.

Tailored Treatment Plans

One size does not fit all when it comes to orthodontic care. At Packard Family Orthodontics, we prioritize personalized treatment plans that cater to the unique needs of each patient. Whether you're considering traditional braces, Invisalign, or other cutting-edge orthodontic solutions, our team will work closely with you to determine the most effective and efficient treatment for your individual goals.

Comprehensive Services

Packard Family Orthodontics offers a wide range of orthodontic services designed to address various dental concerns. From early orthodontic interventions for children to adult orthodontics, we have the expertise to handle diverse cases. Our commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in orthodontics ensures that you receive the best possible care.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Embracing innovation is a cornerstone of our practice. Our clinics are equipped with the latest orthodontic technology, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of our treatments. From 3D imaging for precise diagnostics to digital treatment planning, Packard Family Orthodontics integrates technology seamlessly into your orthodontic experience.

Patient-Centric Approach

What sets Packard Family Orthodontics apart is our unwavering commitment to patient satisfaction. We prioritize open communication, ensuring that you are informed and comfortable throughout your orthodontic journey. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always ready to address your concerns and provide the support you need.

Community Involvement

Beyond the clinic walls, Packard Family Orthodontics is proud to be an active member of the McKinney and Anna communities. We believe in giving back and supporting the neighborhoods we serve. Stay tuned for updates on our community events and initiatives aimed at promoting oral health and well-being.

Your Journey to a Radiant Smile Starts Here

Ready to embark on a journey to a radiant smile? Packard Family Orthodontics is your trusted partner in McKinney and Anna, Texas. Schedule a consultation today, and let our team create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Join the many satisfied patients who have transformed their smiles with Packard Family Orthodontics.

Watch THIS before taking your Child to an Orthodontist… | Orthodontist Explains

November 29th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel.

Taking your child to an orthodontist can be a significant decision for any parent. It's natural to have questions and concerns about the process, and it's essential to be well-informed before making this important choice. To help you gain a better understanding of what to expect, we recommend watching the video titled "Watch THIS before taking your Child to an Orthodontist", where an experienced orthodontist explains various aspects of orthodontic treatment for children.

In this blog post, we'll provide key points, so you can make an informed decision about your child's orthodontic care.

The Importance of Early Orthodontic Evaluation

One of the first things the orthodontist emphasizes is the significance of early orthodontic evaluation. It's not uncommon for parents to believe that orthodontic treatment should only be considered once all permanent teeth have erupted. However, this is a misconception. Early evaluation, often recommended around the age of seven, allows orthodontists to identify potential issues and plan for future treatment effectively. Addressing problems early can prevent more significant concerns from developing later on.

Types of Orthodontic Problems

There are many various orthodontic issues that may be identified during an early evaluation. These problems can include:

  • Crowding: When there isn't enough space in the mouth for all the teeth to align properly.
  • Overbites and Underbites: Issues with the alignment of the upper and lower jaws.
  • Crossbites: Misalignment of the upper and lower teeth when biting.
  • Open Bites: Gaps between the upper and lower teeth when biting.

Understanding these issues is crucial for parents because early detection can lead to more effective and less invasive treatment options.

Available Treatment Options

There are different orthodontic treatment options for children, including traditional braces and Invisalign. Traditional braces are highly effective and have been used for decades to correct various orthodontic problems. Invisalign, on the other hand, provides a more discreet option, especially for older children and teenagers. The orthodontist in the video outlines the pros and cons of each treatment method, helping parents make an informed choice.

Duration of Treatment

One of the most common questions parents have is how long their child's orthodontic treatment will last. There is a different and general idea of the treatment duration based on the complexity of the case. It's important to note that each child's treatment plan is unique, and the orthodontist will provide a more accurate estimate during the initial consultation.

Costs and Insurance

Orthodontic treatment can be a significant investment. It's essential for parents to discuss financial aspects with their orthodontist and inquire about available payment plans and insurance coverage. This ensures that the treatment plan is not only effective but also financially manageable.

Before taking your child to an orthodontist, it's crucial to be well-informed about the process, potential orthodontic issues, treatment options, and costs. Watching the video titled "Watch THIS before taking your Child to an Orthodontist" is an excellent starting point to gain valuable insights from an experienced orthodontist. Remember that early evaluation can make a significant difference in your child's orthodontic treatment journey, so don't hesitate to schedule an appointment and discuss your concerns with a qualified orthodontic specialist.

Your child's beautiful, healthy smile is worth the effort.

Unlocking Beautiful Smiles: The Power of Expanders

November 22nd, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we're dedicated to helping you achieve a perfect smile that lasts a lifetime. One essential tool in our orthodontic arsenal is the expander. In this blog post, we'll explore why you might need an expander and how this remarkable device works to transform your smile.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics?

Before diving into the world of expanders, let's briefly discuss why Packard Family Orthodontics is your top choice for orthodontic care in McKinney and Anna, Texas. Our team is committed to providing the highest quality orthodontic services in a warm and welcoming environment. With cutting-edge technology and a patient-centric approach, we deliver outstanding results that leave our clients smiling confidently.

What Is an Expander?

An expander, also known as a palatal expander or orthodontic expander, is a specialized device used by orthodontists to address issues related to a narrow upper jaw or a crowded mouth. It's a non-invasive and effective solution that can make a significant difference in your smile and overall oral health.

Why Might You Need an Expander?

  • Correcting Crowded Teeth:

    • Expanders are commonly used to create space in a crowded mouth. When teeth are too close together, it can lead to misalignment, crooked teeth, and other dental issues.

  • Resolving Crossbites:

    • A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth when the jaw is closed. An expander can help align the upper and lower teeth properly.

  • Enhancing Breathing and Speech:

    • A narrow upper jaw can lead to breathing difficulties and speech problems. An expander can widen the jaw, improving airflow and speech clarity.

How Do Expanders Work?

Expanders work by gently applying pressure to the upper jaw's suture (the cartilaginous joint that connects the two halves of the upper jaw). This pressure stimulates the growth of new bone tissue, gradually widening the upper jaw over time. The process is carefully controlled by your orthodontist to ensure a comfortable and effective treatment.

The Steps Involved:

Consultation and Evaluation:

  • Your orthodontist at Packard Family Orthodontics will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if an expander is the right solution for your specific needs.

Customized Treatment Plan:

  • If an expander is recommended, a personalized treatment plan will be created to address your unique orthodontic issues.

Installation of the Expander:

  • The expander is custom-made to fit your mouth and is affixed to your upper molars. It may have a small keyhole that will be turned as per your orthodontist's instructions.

Gradual Adjustment::

  • Over several weeks, you'll be given specific instructions on how often to turn the expander's key. This adjustment process gradually widens the upper jaw.

Follow-Up Appointments:

  • Regular follow-up appointments with your orthodontist will ensure that the expander is working as intended and making the necessary improvements.

    If you're in McKinney or Anna, Texas, and seeking orthodontic care, Packard Family Orthodontics is your trusted partner in achieving a beautiful, healthy smile. Our expert team understands the importance of expanders in resolving various dental issues, and we're here to guide you through the process every step of the way.

Don't let orthodontic concerns hold you back from enjoying a confident, radiant smile. Contact Packard Family Orthodontics today to schedule your consultation and discover how an expander can transform your life and your smile.

For a more in-depth understanding of expanders and their benefits, watch our informative video: Link to the YouTube video.

Remember, your journey to a stunning smile begins with Packard Family Orthodontics.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment: Braces vs. Invisalign

November 16th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

When it comes to achieving a beautiful, healthy smile, selecting the right orthodontic treatment is a crucial decision. At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand that choosing between traditional braces and Invisalign can be a challenging task. To help you make an informed choice, we've created this informative video, "Braces vs. Invisalign - Watch BEFORE Choosing a Treatment Plan." In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the differences between these two treatments and provide valuable insights to guide your decision-making process.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics?

Before we dive into the comparison, let's take a moment to highlight what sets Packard Family Orthodontics apart as a premier orthodontic practice in McKinney and Anna, Texas:

Experienced Team: Our team of highly trained orthodontists has years of experience in crafting beautiful smiles. We stay updated with the latest advancements in orthodontic treatments to ensure the best results for our patients.

Personalized Care: We understand that each patient's needs are unique. We tailor our treatment plans to suit individual requirements, ensuring the best possible outcome for every smile.

Cutting-Edge Technology: Packard Family Orthodontics employs state-of-the-art technology to provide efficient and effective orthodontic care. Our commitment to innovation means that you'll benefit from the most advanced treatments available.

Braces vs. Invisalign: The Showdown

Now, let's explore the key differences between traditional braces and Invisalign.


Braces: Traditional braces consist of metal brackets and wires, which are affixed to the teeth. While they are highly effective, they are also visible when you smile.

Invisalign: Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. They are made of clear, BPA-free plastic, making them a discreet choice for those who prefer a more inconspicuous option.


Braces: Braces require regular adjustments and may involve dietary restrictions to prevent damage to the hardware. Proper oral hygiene is crucial to avoid issues like tooth decay and gum disease.

Invisalign: Invisalign aligners are removable, making it easier to maintain oral hygiene. You can remove them while eating and brushing your teeth, allowing for a more flexible lifestyle.


Braces: Some patients may experience discomfort or irritation from the metal components of braces, especially during adjustments.

Invisalign: Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your comfort, with smooth edges that reduce the likelihood of irritation. Most patients find them more comfortable to wear.

Treatment Duration:

Braces: Treatment time with braces can vary but typically lasts between 18 months to 3 years, depending on the complexity of the case.

Invisalign: Invisalign treatment can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on individual needs.


Braces: Braces are highly effective for correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, including severe cases.

Invisalign: Invisalign is suitable for mild to moderate cases of misalignment and bite issues. It may not be recommended for complex cases.

At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we believe that the best orthodontic treatment for you depends on your individual needs, lifestyle, and preferences. Our video, "Braces vs. Invisalign - Watch BEFORE Choosing a Treatment Plan," provides valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

Whether you opt for traditional braces or Invisalign, you can trust our experienced team to guide you through your orthodontic journey and deliver the beautiful smile you've always wanted. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you. Your journey to a perfect smile starts here at Packard Family Orthodontics!

Correcting Excessive Overbite with Orthodontic Options

November 8th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Are you or a loved one struggling with an excessive overbite, causing discomfort and affecting your smile? If so, you're not alone. At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand the importance of achieving a healthy and beautiful smile. In this blog post, we'll delve into the various orthodontic options we offer to correct an excessive overbite and help you regain your confidence.

Understanding Excessive Overbite

An excessive overbite, also known as a deep bite or class II malocclusion, occurs when the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth. This condition can lead to various issues, including difficulty biting and chewing, jaw pain, and an unattractive smile. Fortunately, Packard Family Orthodontics can help you address these concerns effectively. Orthodontic Options for Correcting Excessive Overbite

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces have come a long way in recent years. They remain one of the most effective and time-tested methods to correct excessive overbites. At Packard Family Orthodontics, we offer advanced orthodontic solutions that are more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than ever before. Braces work by applying constant pressure on your teeth, gradually moving them into the desired position to correct your overbite.


Invisalign is an innovative and discreet alternative to traditional braces. This clear aligner system uses a series of custom-made, removable trays to gradually move your teeth into the desired position. Invisalign is virtually invisible, making it a popular choice for adults and teenagers who want to maintain a natural appearance during treatment. Our skilled orthodontists at Packard Family Orthodontics will create a personalized Invisalign treatment plan to address your excessive overbite effectively.


Retainers play a crucial role in maintaining the results achieved through other orthodontic treatments. After you complete your braces or Invisalign treatment at Packard Family Orthodontics, we will provide you with a custom retainer to keep your teeth in their newly corrected position and prevent your excessive overbite from returning.

Surgical Orthodontics

In some severe cases of excessive overbite, surgical orthodontics may be necessary. This approach involves a combination of orthodontic treatment and oral surgery to correct the underlying jaw structure. Our experienced team at Packard Family Orthodontics can assess your specific needs and provide a comprehensive treatment plan if surgical orthodontics is required.

Choosing Packard Family Orthodontics

Choosing the right orthodontic provider is a significant decision when seeking treatment for your excessive overbite. Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, stands out as a trusted and reputable option for several reasons:

  • Expertise: Our orthodontists are highly trained and experienced in addressing a wide range of orthodontic issues, including excessive overbites.
  • Advanced Technology: We use state-of-the-art orthodontic technology to ensure precise treatment and optimal results.
  • Personalized Care: Every patient's needs are unique, and our team at Packard Family Orthodontics provides individualized treatment plans to address your specific concerns.
  • Comfort and Convenience: We understand the importance of comfort during your orthodontic journey. Our office is designed to provide a pleasant and relaxing environment for our patients.

Correcting an excessive overbite is essential for both oral health and a confident smile. At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we offer a range of orthodontic options, from traditional braces to Invisalign and surgical orthodontics, to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile. Don't let an excessive overbite hold you back – choose Packard Family Orthodontics for your orthodontic needs.

Do Wisdom Teeth Impact Straight Teeth? Insights from Packard Family Orthodontics

November 1st, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Today, we're diving into a common dental concern – wisdom teeth – and exploring their impact on the straightness of your teeth. If you've ever wondered whether you need to get your wisdom teeth removed to maintain a beautiful, straight smile, this blog post has all the answers you seek.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final set of molars at the back of your mouth. They are often referred to as "wisdom teeth" because they typically emerge during a person's late teens or early twenties, a time when they are considered more mature or "wiser." However, having wisdom teeth doesn't actually make you wiser!

The Relationship Between Wisdom Teeth and Crooked Teeth: Historically, it was believed that wisdom teeth played a role in causing front teeth to become crooked as they emerged. This led to the recommendation that wisdom teeth should be extracted to prevent crowding and misalignment. The idea was that by removing wisdom teeth, you could maintain the straightness of your teeth.

Revising the Recommendation: In recent years, the American Board of Orthodontics has revised its recommendations regarding wisdom teeth and their connection to tooth crowding. Research has revealed that the presence or absence of wisdom teeth does not solely determine whether your teeth will become crooked. People with wisdom teeth may not experience crowding, while those without them might still face misalignment issues.

The Key to Straight Teeth: If wisdom teeth are not the primary cause of crooked teeth, what is? The real key to maintaining a straight smile lies in wearing your retainers consistently. No matter how long your orthodontic treatment took or how straight your teeth were when you finished, not wearing retainers can lead to your teeth shifting over time.

Why Get Wisdom Teeth Removed: While wisdom teeth may not be the direct cause of crooked teeth, there are still valid reasons for considering their removal. Wisdom teeth can sometimes cause pain, become impacted, or lead to cavities and gum disease. In some cases, having them extracted may be preventive, as it can be more manageable when you're younger. Additionally, orthodontists might recommend removing wisdom teeth to create more space for second molars or to facilitate proper dental care.

In the end, having wisdom teeth doesn't make you wiser, nor do they have a significant impact on the straightness of your teeth. The key to keeping your teeth straight is diligent retainer use. Wisdom teeth removal should be considered for various reasons, but it is not a guaranteed solution for preventing tooth crowding.

If you have questions about wisdom teeth or maintaining a straight smile, it's essential to consult with your local orthodontist or dentist. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and needs.

As you navigate the world of dental care and orthodontics, remember that change is inevitable. While we learn from the past, it's essential to adapt to new evidence and evolving practices to make informed decisions for your oral health. Dr. Ryan Packard and the team at Packard Family Orthodontics are here to help you live the good life, anchored in knowledge and positive change. Stay tuned for more valuable insights in our future blogs!

Unlocking the Mystery of Maxillary Impacted Canines at Packard Family Orthodontics

October 25th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Today, we're diving into a topic that concerns those with maxillary impacted canines – those adult canines that are stuck in your bone. If you're dealing with this dental dilemma, you're in the right place. Let's unravel this issue.

In a previous episode, we discussed the enigmatic world of maxillary impacted canines, exploring why they occur and how to address them. But now, we're going to focus on a crucial detail that often escapes the spotlight. You see, when it comes to dealing with these canines, there are several approaches. The most common methods include extracting the impacted canine and considering options like implants, or trying to create space and coaxing it into its rightful place.

But there's a path less traveled, one that might leave you wondering: "What if I do nothing?" Yes, that's right – leaving that impacted canine in place without intervention. While most orthodontists typically advise extracting or repositioning the impacted canine for ideal aesthetics and occlusion, there are situations where the traditional approaches might not be suitable for everyone. This is where understanding the implications of doing nothing becomes crucial.

Leaving the impacted canine unaddressed could lead to two potential outcomes. In the best-case scenario, it peacefully coexists in your jawbone, causing no trouble. However, in the worst-case scenario, it may disrupt the neighboring teeth, like the maxillary lateral incisors, leading to potential root resorption, a severe dental issue. Moreover, it might result in the formation of cysts, bone loss, swelling, or infection, creating even more dental woes.

Furthermore, choosing to leave the impacted canine untouched could make future treatments, such as dental implants or orthodontic adjustments, more challenging and risky. This is because moving the surrounding teeth could potentially put them at greater risk for damage when dealing with the isolated impacted tooth.

Now, it's important to clarify that we're not advocating for laissez-faire dental care when it comes to maxillary impacted canines. However, knowing the potential consequences of not addressing it is crucial. You might end up with less than perfect aesthetics or functionality, and you could limit future dental treatments.

The best way to decide what to do with your maxillary impacted canine is to consult with your local orthodontist. They can assess your unique situation, discuss potential risks and benefits, and provide a tailored treatment plan that suits your needs and goals.

In summary, maxillary impacted canines can be complex, and their management depends on various factors. While some impacted canines may coexist harmlessly in your jawbone, others can lead to significant dental issues. The key is to seek professional guidance and make an informed decision about your dental health.

If you found this information valuable, feel free to contact us for more insights into the world of straight teeth and beautiful bites, or leave a comment if you have any questions or topics you'd like us to cover in future blogs. Remember, your local orthodontist is your best ally on your journey to optimal oral health.

A Vital Guide to Orthodontics: Understanding Bone Loss and Teeth Straightening

October 17th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

If you're an adult contemplating braces or Invisalign to achieve that perfect smile but concerned about bone loss around your teeth, this post is for you.

In our previous blog, we discussed the implications of direct-to-consumer aligners like Smile Direct Club. Today, we're addressing a related topic – bone loss and its impact on your orthodontic journey.

The Role of Bone in Teeth Stability

Before we dive into the details, let's understand the critical role that bone plays in maintaining the stability of your teeth. Our teeth initially grow within our jawbones, eventually settling into their proper positions. The bone not only supports the teeth but also ensures their stability.

Healthy bone height is essential for the longevity of your teeth. Generally, there's a slight gap between the gum and the bone around your teeth. However, some factors can lead to bone loss, particularly due to poor oral hygiene and the development of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Inadequate hygiene practices can result in bacteria producing acid on your teeth, which can lead to cavities, white spots, or even cavities.

The Connection Between Bone Loss and Teeth Movement

Now, let's explore the link between bone loss and teeth movement. When you opt for braces or Invisalign to straighten your teeth, you're essentially moving them. As your teeth shift, your bone must remodel to accommodate these changes, allowing the teeth to move smoothly and reach their desired positions.

Healthy bones facilitate this process, ensuring your teeth can move as intended. However, if you have existing bone loss or periodontal issues, it's crucial to address these concerns before embarking on orthodontic treatment.

Why Bone Health Matters in Orthodontics

Here's why bone health is paramount when seeking orthodontic treatment:

  1. Effectiveness: If you have healthy bone, your teeth can move more effectively and predictably. This is especially important for achieving the best results within your expected treatment timeframe.
  2. Preventing Further Loss: If you undergo orthodontic treatment with compromised bone health, there's a risk of exacerbating the bone loss. This can lead to tooth mobility and a higher chance of tooth loss, which is something we all want to avoid.

When to Seek Professional Evaluation

Whether you're young or an adult, a visit to your orthodontist is essential before initiating any orthodontic treatment. They will assess the health of your teeth, review X-rays, and consider your dental history.

In case you have a history of bone loss or periodontal issues, your orthodontist may recommend consulting with specialists like periodontists, who can provide deep cleanings and specialized treatments to manage bone and gum health.

For those who've experienced bone loss in the past but have stabilized the condition, it's still possible to undergo orthodontic treatment, provided the bone loss isn't actively progressing.

In Conclusion: Prioritize Bone and Gum Health

In the pursuit of straight teeth and a beautiful smile, it's vital to prioritize the health of your bones and gums. Proper evaluation and addressing any underlying issues with your local orthodontist, dentist, or specialist will put you in the best position to embark on your orthodontic journey.

If you have any experience with pre-treatment orthodontics, post-treatment orthodontic work for your bones, or any questions regarding bone health and orthodontics, feel free to contact us for an appointment. Remember, this post is a general overview, and individual cases may require personalized assessments.

Book your appointment with Dr. Ryan Packard today for your initial consultation. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We're committed to enlightening you about the world of straight teeth and beautiful bites, so stay tuned for more valuable insights.

Your journey to a radiant smile begins with the right foundation – healthy bones and gums.

Unlocking the Power of Compliance: Rubber Bands, Invisalign, and Oral Hygiene at Packard Family Orthodontics

October 11th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

We're diving into a topic that unites rubber bands, Invisalign, and oral hygiene - it's a special word that starts with 'c' and rhymes with 'appliance' - that's right, it's 'compliance.'

Compliance, in orthodontic terms, means listening and following through with what your orthodontist advises. In this blog post, we'll explore how compliance is crucial in three key areas: rubber bands, Invisalign trays, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Rubber Bands: Shaping Your Smile

Rubber bands are a common sight in orthodontics, and they play a significant role in aligning your teeth properly. The ideal alignment is what we call a 'Class I occlusion,' where your teeth fit together perfectly, creating a seamless mesh. However, many patients require bite adjustments to achieve this alignment.

Rubber bands, when used with braces or Invisalign, help correct these bite issues. They work by exerting pressure to move your teeth forward, backward, or even side to side. The key here is consistent and faithful use - wearing rubber bands as prescribed by your orthodontist, not just at night or occasionally.

If you're aiming for your orthodontic treatment to proceed as planned, meet your goals faster, and maintain good oral health, being compliant with your rubber bands is non-negotiable.

Oral Hygiene: The Foundation of Oral Health

Good oral hygiene is paramount for overall oral health. It's essential for keeping your teeth healthy in the long run. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to issues such as gum disease and cavities. Remember, there are unseen bacteria in your mouth, and when you consume sugary foods or drinks, these bacteria metabolize the sugars, producing acid that can harm your teeth.

Orthodontic appliances like braces and Invisalign may complicate oral hygiene, but they don't make it impossible. With commitment and thorough brushing and flossing, you can maintain healthy teeth throughout your orthodontic journey. However, neglecting oral hygiene can force your orthodontist to halt treatment or lead to undesirable outcomes such as white spots or cavities on your teeth.

In conclusion, compliance with oral hygiene is essential not only for your oral health but also for the success of your orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign Trays: The Power of Consistency

For those using Invisalign or other clear aligner brands, wearing the trays as instructed is crucial. Wearing your aligners faithfully and ensuring a snug fit is the key to success. If there are gaps or your trays aren't snug, it means they may not be as effective as they should be. When your aligners fit properly, your teeth will move as intended, leading to quicker results.

Consistency with Invisalign tray wear will lead to efficient treatment and a faster path to a straighter smile. The impressive transformations are possible with consistent, compliant wear of your trays.

In a nutshell, compliance plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of orthodontic treatments, and it's the key to achieving your desired results within the expected timeframe.

Remember, compliance is the secret sauce to success in orthodontics. If you have any questions or need further information on rubber bands, Invisalign, or maintaining oral hygiene, visit us and book a consultation here. By doing so, you'll embark on a journey to discover the wonders of straight teeth and beautiful bites.

Stay compliant and stay on the path to a perfect smile.

The Longevity of Retainers: A 58-Year Success Story at Packard Family Orthodontics

October 4th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Are you in need of a retainer? Perhaps you should consider this option. Read on so I can guide you through the journey of achieving straight teeth and beautiful bites.

Recently, during a consultation, I came across something fascinating that I just had to share with you all. This discovery is all about teeth, specifically, retainers. The patient I met had gone through orthodontic treatment years ago—braces, aligners, the whole shebang. Remarkably, after 58 years, they found themselves back in the orthodontic office because their retainer had broken. Yes, you heard that right, 58 years later!

Now, not everyone might be thrilled about having a retainer for nearly six decades, but for those of you passionate about maintaining your straight teeth and not letting them shift back to their pre-braces state, retainers are crucial. Did you know that some people become members of the "relapse club"? This means that after getting their teeth straightened and closing any gaps or fixing their bite, they gradually stop wearing their retainer. Over time, the retainer stops fitting, and their teeth start to shift again.

A general rule of thumb, or rather, a rule for life, is that you should wear retainers for as long as you want to keep your teeth straight and your spaces closed. If you decide to give up on this endeavor, you'll likely see your teeth shifting again over time, and that might not make you very happy.

Now, let's get back to that incredible 58-year-old retainer. It might not be the exact design, but it's commonly known as a Hawley retainer. It features acrylic in the middle, which is a somewhat harder material, surrounded by wires that are embedded into the acrylic and go around the teeth. This type of retainer is very effective and durable. Orthodontists often use Hawley retainers because of their reliability.

Unfortunately, there's no definitive research suggesting that one retainer type is better than another in terms of how they hold teeth in place. Different retainers have different uses and advantages. For example, Hawley retainers like this one may not be the most cosmetic option, but they are sturdy and effective.

That said, just because one person managed to keep their retainer for 58 years doesn't mean you will too. Everyone's bite is different, and factors like teeth grinding or the occasional misplacement by a curious pet can affect the lifespan of a retainer. So, it's essential to consult your local orthodontist to determine the best retainer type for your unique needs.

In conclusion, while it's impressive that one patient's retainer lasted for 58 years, it doesn't mean you should aim for the same duration. The key takeaway here is that retainers are essential for maintaining straight teeth and closed spaces. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We look forward to welcoming you to become a part of the Packard Family Orthodontics community!

Understanding Impacted Teeth and Expose-and-Bond Procedure at Packard Family Orthodontics

September 27th, 2023


Do you have an impacted tooth, and are you considering an expose-and-bond procedure? Welcome back, everyone! I'm Dr. Ryan Packard, your local orthodontist at Packard Family Orthodontics. Today, we'll delve into the world of impacted teeth and discuss the traditional approach known as the expose-and-bond procedure. We've touched on this topic before, but it's essential to understand the options available when dealing with impacted teeth.

Impacted Teeth: A Recap

Before we dive into the expose-and-bond procedure, let's briefly revisit what impacted teeth are. An impacted tooth is one that fails to emerge or align correctly with the surrounding teeth. This can happen for various reasons, such as lack of space, deviation from its natural path, or other factors.

In some cases, you may wonder if it's necessary to address impacted teeth at all. As previously mentioned, leaving them untreated is an unconventional but viable option for some. We recently encountered a fascinating case where a patient had chosen not to address their impacted canines, and it turned out surprisingly well. Despite having four impacted baby canines, these teeth had remained in place for decades. However, it's crucial to understand that while leaving impacted teeth untreated can be an option, there are potential consequences to consider. We always recommend discussing your specific situation with your local orthodontist.

Traditional Approach: Expose-and-Bond Procedure

Now, let's explore the traditional approach to dealing with impacted teeth, which involves the expose-and-bond procedure. This procedure is typically employed when it's deemed beneficial to bring the impacted tooth into its proper position.

Here's a step-by-step overview of the expose-and-bond procedure:

  1. Creation of Space: First, your orthodontist may use braces or Invisalign to create enough space for the impacted tooth to move into its intended location. This process may take several months and involves gentle shifting of surrounding teeth to make room.
  2. Consultation with Specialists: Once adequate space is achieved, you'll likely be referred to a dental specialist, such as an oral surgeon or a periodontist. These specialists will perform the expose-and-bond procedure.
  3. Exposure: During the procedure, the specialist will numb or anesthetize the area to ensure your comfort. They will then make an incision to expose the impacted tooth, which may be encased in gums and bone.
  4. Attachment of Bracket: A bracket, similar to the ones used in traditional braces, is affixed to the exposed tooth. This bracket typically features a chain, similar to an anchor, attached to it.
  5. Closing the Incision: After attaching the bracket and chain, the specialist will carefully close the incision with stitches, ensuring the tooth remains accessible.
  6. Alignment and Movement: Once the impacted tooth is exposed and bracketed, your orthodontic treatment continues. Your orthodontist will use various techniques, such as springs or wires, to gently pull the tooth into its correct position over time.
  7. Patience and Monitoring: The process of moving an impacted tooth can be lengthy and requires patience. Regular check-ups with your orthodontist and specialist are crucial to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.


The expose-and-bond procedure is a traditional but effective approach to dealing with impacted teeth, ensuring they move into their proper positions within your mouth. While it can be a lengthy journey, with the right care and patience, most impacted teeth can be successfully aligned.

If you have an impacted tooth or are considering this procedure, consult with your local orthodontist, such as Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas. They can provide personalized guidance and develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Remember, your oral health is essential, and addressing impacted teeth is a step toward achieving a healthy, beautiful smile. Book your appointment with Dr. Ryan Packard today for your initial consultation. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We look forward to welcoming you to become a part of the Packard Family Orthodontics community!

Understanding and Treating Central Diastema with Packard Family Orthodontics

September 20th, 2023


Do you have a gap in your teeth right in the center? If you do, you're not alone. Many individuals, both young and old, experience spaces or gaps between their teeth. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind central diastema, a term used to describe the gap between the top two front teeth, and discuss what you can do about it. Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, is here to guide you through this journey.

Understanding Central Diastema

Spaces or gaps between teeth can occur anywhere in the mouth. During childhood, having gaps between baby teeth is quite common as it can facilitate the eruption of permanent teeth. However, one specific type of spacing issue that often concerns individuals is the central diastema, which occurs between the top two front teeth.

Central diastema typically emerges during a critical developmental stage, usually between the ages of seven and nine. At this time, the permanent canines start to descend into place, pushing the front four teeth slightly apart. This natural process results in a small space between the top central incisors, and in most cases, this spacing is a normal part of dental development.

Causes of Central Diastema

  1. Natural Development: As mentioned earlier, the development of central diastema during childhood is often a natural and temporary occurrence. It typically resolves on its own as the permanent canines continue to descend and push the front teeth back together.
  2. Muscular Bands (Frenum): Some individuals have a muscular band of tissue that connects from the upper lip to the gums and can extend down to where the front teeth meet. If this band is unusually thick or restrictive, it can create and maintain a central diastema. In such cases, treatment may involve orthodontic procedures to close the gap followed by a phrenectomy to reduce the tension caused by the frenum.
  3. Extra Tooth: In some cases, a central diastema may be caused by the presence of an extra tooth located in the middle of the front teeth. Removing the extra tooth can facilitate natural closure of the gap, but orthodontic treatment may still be necessary to ensure the teeth align properly.
  4. Adult Spacing: In adulthood, central diastema can also occur due to various factors, such as larger bone structures or smaller teeth. If you have a significant gap between your front teeth as an adult, orthodontic treatment, like braces or Invisalign, may be recommended to close the space.

Our Approach

The approach to treating central diastema depends on the specific cause and age of the individual. In many cases, orthodontic treatment, such as braces or Invisalign, can be used to close the gap between the front teeth. Additionally, if a frenum is contributing to the spacing issue, a phrenectomy may be performed to alleviate the tension.

It's essential to consult with a professional orthodontist and if you are located in McKinney and Anna, Texas, you can come and visit Packard Family Orthodontics to determine the best course of action for your unique situation. We can provide personalized recommendations and create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics?

  • Expertise: Our skilled orthodontists have a wealth of experience in treating central diastema and a commitment to staying at the forefront of orthodontic advancements.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We utilize state-of-the-art technology to provide accurate diagnoses and treatment plans, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.
  • Personalized Care: We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our treatments to address your specific needs and concerns.
  • Friendly Environment: Our team creates a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere, ensuring you feel at ease throughout your orthodontic journey.

Packard Family Orthodontics is your trusted partner in McKinney and Anna, Texas, offering expert guidance and orthodontic solutions to help you achieve a beautiful, gap-free smile.

Book your appointment with Dr. Ryan Packard today for your initial consultation. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation marking the first move in enhancing your smile. We look forward to welcoming you to become a part of the Packard Family Orthodontics community!

Transform Your Smile at Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna Texas: Say Goodbye to Underbites!

September 15th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel


Welcome to Packard Family Orthodontics, your trusted destination for orthodontic care in McKinney and Anna, Texas! Are you dealing with the discomfort and inconvenience of an underbite? You're not alone. In this blog post, we'll explore the dangers of an underbite and how our dedicated orthodontic team can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile. Our Orthodontist will explain everything you need to know about this common dental issue and the effective treatments available at Packard Family Orthodontics.

The Underbite Dilemma

An underbite occurs when your lower jaw extends forward, causing your lower teeth to protrude beyond your upper teeth. This misalignment can result in various problems, both functional and aesthetic.

The Dangers of an Underbite

  1. Chewing and Speech Difficulties: Underbites can make it challenging to chew properly and speak clearly, affecting your daily life and self-confidence.
  2. Increased Wear and Tear: Misaligned teeth experience uneven wear and tear, potentially leading to dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.
  3. TMJ Problems: A misaligned jaw can strain the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), causing pain, headaches, and discomfort.
  4. Aesthetic Concerns: An underbite can impact your facial appearance, affecting your self-esteem and overall confidence.

Now, let's explore how Packard Family Orthodontics can help you address these issues.

Our Approach

At Packard Family Orthodontics, we believe that every patient deserves a confident and healthy smile. Our team, led by experienced orthodontist Dr.Ryan Packard, specializes in diagnosing and treating underbites with personalized care plans tailored to your unique needs.

Treatment Options

  1. Braces: Traditional braces can be a highly effective solution for underbites. They gradually move your teeth into their proper positions, correcting the alignment of your jaw and bite.
  2. Invisalign: For those seeking a more discreet option, Invisalign offers clear aligners that are virtually invisible, making it a popular choice among adults and teens.
  3. Surgical Orthodontics: In severe cases, surgical orthodontics may be recommended to reposition the jawbone for a more functional and aesthetic result.
  4. Early Intervention: For children, early orthodontic treatment can help prevent the worsening of an underbite as they grow, reducing the need for extensive correction later on.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics?

  • Expertise: Our skilled orthodontists have a wealth of experience in treating underbites and a commitment to staying at the forefront of orthodontic advancements.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We utilize state-of-the-art technology to provide accurate diagnoses and treatment plans, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.
  • Personalized Care: We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our treatments to address your specific needs and concerns.
  • Friendly Environment: Our team creates a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere, ensuring you feel at ease throughout your orthodontic journey.

Don't let an underbite hold you back from a confident and healthy smile. At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we have the expertise, technology, and personalized care to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. Say goodbye to the dangers of an underbite and hello to a brighter, more beautiful future.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Ryan Packard today, and take the first step toward transforming your smile. Contact us to book your appointment. We look forward to welcoming you to the Packard Family Orthodontics family!

Unlocking Your Smile's Potential: The Palatal Expander Experience at Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna Texas

September 7th, 2023

Watch Full Video Here


Welcome to Packard Family Orthodontics, your trusted destination for orthodontic care in McKinney and Anna, Texas. We understand that the journey to a beautiful, healthy smile can be a transformative experience. One crucial aspect of orthodontic treatment is the palatal expander, a device that plays a significant role in creating a harmonious smile. In this blog post, we will delve into what happens when you get your palatal expander off, offering valuable insights for anyone considering or undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Understanding the Palatal Expander

Before we discuss what happens when your palatal expander is removed, let's first understand what it is and why it's used. A palatal expander is a dental appliance designed to widen the upper jaw, helping to correct issues such as overcrowding, crossbites, and other malocclusions. It achieves this by applying gentle pressure on the palatal bones, allowing them to gradually separate over time.

The Expander Removal Process

  1. Evaluation: The journey to expander removal begins with a thorough evaluation by our skilled orthodontic team. We'll assess whether your upper jaw has achieved the desired expansion, as determined by your personalized treatment plan.
  2. Removal Day: The day you get your palatal expander off is an exciting milestone. The process itself is quick and painless. Our experienced orthodontist will gently detach the expander from your teeth and palate. You'll hardly feel a thing.
  3. Adjustments: After removal, you may still need to visit our office for follow-up appointments. These are crucial to ensure that your teeth continue to align correctly and that the expansion results are maintained.

What to Expect After Expander Removal

Getting your palatal expander off is a significant moment in your orthodontic journey. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Improved Comfort: Without the expander in place, you'll likely experience an immediate improvement in comfort and speech. Eating and speaking will become more natural.
  2. Retention Phase: Following expander removal, you may transition into the retention phase of orthodontic treatment. This involves wearing a retainer, which helps maintain the newly achieved alignment of your teeth and jaw.
  3. Regular Check-Ups: Continuing with scheduled orthodontic appointments is vital to monitor the progress of your treatment. Our team at Packard Family Orthodontics will work closely with you to ensure your smile remains on track.

The Long-Term Benefits

The benefits of palatal expander treatment extend beyond aesthetics. By addressing issues like overcrowding and misalignment, orthodontic treatment can enhance your overall oral health and well-being. A well-aligned smile can lead to improved bite function, easier cleaning, and reduced risk of dental issues in the future.


At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we take pride in helping our patients achieve beautiful, confident smiles. Getting your palatal expander off is a significant step towards that goal, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. If you're considering orthodontic treatment or have questions about the palatal expander, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly team. We're committed to making your orthodontic journey as smooth and rewarding as possible. Contact us today and let us help you unlock your smile's full potential.

Pain-Free Tooth Extraction Techniques: Insights from Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas

August 30th, 2023

Watch full video here

Are you or your little ones facing the inevitable rite of passage – pulling out a loose tooth? The mere thought might send shivers down your spine, conjuring images of excruciating pain and tears. But fear not! Packard Family Orthodontics, your trusted partners in dental care in McKinney and Anna, Texas, are here to share their expert insights on pain-free tooth extraction techniques.

The Expert's Reaction: Packard Family Orthodontics Weighs In

In a recent video that has been making waves, titled "How to Pull Out a Tooth Without Pain," Packard Family Orthodontics delves into this age-old concern with a fresh perspective. You can watch the video here to see their insightful reaction to this common dental dilemma.

1. The Gentle Wiggle Technique

One of the key takeaways from the video is the "Gentle Wiggle Technique." According to the experts at Packard Family Orthodontics, instead of forcefully yanking out a loose tooth, a gentle back-and-forth wiggle is far more effective and painless. This technique helps to gradually loosen the tooth from its socket without causing unnecessary discomfort.

2. Patience is Key

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's easy to forget that patience can be a virtue, even when it comes to tooth extraction. The professionals at Packard Family Orthodontics emphasize that waiting for the tooth to be genuinely ready to come out can significantly reduce pain and trauma. This waiting period allows the roots to naturally loosen, making the extraction process smoother.

3. Proper Tools and Hygiene

Packard Family Orthodontics also sheds light on the importance of using the right tools and maintaining proper hygiene during the process. Clean hands and a clean tissue are essential to prevent infections and ensure a pain-free experience. They also advise against using sharp objects, as these can cause injury or damage to the surrounding gum tissue.

4. The Role of Orthodontics

While the video primarily focuses on tooth extraction techniques, Packard Family Orthodontics briefly discusses how orthodontic treatment can impact the natural process of tooth loss. Orthodontic evaluations can provide valuable insights into the alignment of teeth and the eruption of new teeth, potentially reducing the need for extractions in the first place.

5. When to Seek Professional Help

Lastly, the experts emphasize that if the tooth is particularly stubborn or causing excessive pain, it's always best to seek professional help. Packard Family Orthodontics' experienced team is ready to provide personalized guidance and pain-free extraction if needed.


The fear of pain when it comes to tooth extraction is a universal concern, but with the right techniques and expert guidance, it doesn't have to be a nightmare. Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, are the go-to experts who are passionate about ensuring a comfortable and painless dental experience for you and your family.

Remember, a gentle wiggle, patience, proper tools, and knowing when to seek professional help are the keys to a pain-free tooth extraction. Check out the enlightening video "How to Pull Out a Tooth Without Pain" by Packard Family Orthodontics to learn more about these techniques straight from the experts themselves. Your dental worries are about to become a thing of the past!

The Ultimate Guide to Invisalign at Packard Family Orthodontics

August 23rd, 2023

When you're considering orthodontic treatment, especially a high-tech option like Invisalign, it's essential to get the whole picture before making a decision. Packard Family Orthodontics, with locations in McKinney and Anna, Texas, understands the importance of providing accurate and comprehensive information to its patients. That's why we've created this guide, inspired by the video titled "The BRUTAL TRUTH about BEFORE you buy."

watch here.

Introduction to Invisalign

Invisalign has grown in popularity because of its discrete nature and the comfort it offers compared to traditional braces. Essentially, they are clear aligners tailor-made to fit your teeth and guide them to their correct position.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics for Invisalign?

Personalized Care: At Packard Family Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on providing personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Expertise: Our orthodontists are trained in the latest techniques and have extensive experience in providing Invisalign treatments.

Convenient Locations: With offices in both McKinney and Anna, Texas, getting quality orthodontic care has never been easier.

The Realities of Invisalign Treatment

Adaptation Period: Like any orthodontic treatment, there's an adaptation period. Initially, there might be some discomfort or a slight lisp, but this will subside as you get used to the aligners.

Discipline is Key: For optimal results, wear your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours a day.

Maintenance: Regular cleaning of your aligners is essential to prevent discoloration and odor.

Benefits of Choosing Invisalign

Discreet Treatment: Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible.

Comfort: Without the brackets and wires associated with braces, many find Invisalign more comfortable.

Flexibility: Since the aligners are removable, you can eat, brush, and floss without any hindrance.

Packard Family Orthodontics: A Legacy of Trust

Our practice has been serving the communities of McKinney and Anna, Texas, for years, offering state-of-the-art orthodontic solutions. When you choose us, you're not just getting a service; you're becoming part of a family dedicated to improving smiles.

Making an informed decision is crucial when it comes to orthodontic treatment. If you're in McKinney or Anna, Texas, and are considering Invisalign, book a consultation with Packard Family Orthodontics. Our team will ensure you receive the best care, from start to finish.

Achieving Your Perfect Smile: The Magic of Palatal Expanders at Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas

August 16th, 2023

If you've ever wondered about the fascinating world of palatal expanders and their role in crafting that perfect smile, you're in for a treat. In this article, we delve into the intricate details of how palatal expanders work and why Packard Family Orthodontics is your go-to destination for all things orthodontic.

Palatal Expanders: Unveiling the Secret to a Stunning Smile

A palatal expander is a remarkable orthodontic device designed to widen the upper jaw by gently separating the mid-palatal suture. This process, known as palatal expansion, creates additional space in the mouth and helps alleviate a myriad of dental issues. Whether you're dealing with crowding, crossbites, or impacted teeth, palatal expanders can pave the way for healthier oral development and a more symmetrical smile.

The Science Behind Palatal Expansion

Palatal expansion might sound complex, but the skilled team at Packard Family Orthodontics has mastered the art. The process begins with a thorough assessment of your dental structure. Through cutting-edge techniques and technology, the orthodontists determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

The palatal expander itself is a small device attached to the upper molars using bands or bonds. Once in place, the expander exerts controlled pressure on the palatal bones, gradually widening the jaw. This gentle force stimulates bone growth in the targeted area, allowing the bones to respond by creating new tissue. Over time, the expander is adjusted to ensure the desired expansion is achieved effectively and comfortably.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics?

Packard Family Orthodontics stands as a beacon of excellence in the orthodontic world, particularly in McKinney and Anna, Texas. What sets them apart?

  1. Expertise and Experience: Led by a team of highly experienced orthodontists, Packard Family Orthodontics boasts a wealth of knowledge in crafting healthy, beautiful smiles. With a deep understanding of palatal expansion techniques, you can trust them to guide you through the journey.
  2. Cutting-edge Technology: Keeping up with the latest advancements in orthodontics, Packard Family Orthodontics employs state-of-the-art technology to ensure precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans. Your smile transformation is in capable hands.
  3. Personalized Care: At Packard Family Orthodontics, you're not just another patient; you're a unique individual. They take the time to understand your concerns, goals, and preferences, tailoring their approach to deliver exceptional results.
  4. Comprehensive Services: Beyond palatal expanders, Packard Family Orthodontics offers a comprehensive range of orthodontic treatments, from traditional braces to Invisalign. Whatever your orthodontic needs, they have a solution.

Unlocking Your Dream Smile: The Next Steps

Are you ready to embark on a journey toward a brighter, healthier smile? Contact Packard Family Orthodontics today to schedule a consultation.

Palatal expanders hold the key to a stunning smile and improved oral health. With the expertise of Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, your dream smile is well within reach. Don't wait—take the first step towards a radiant smile today!

Correcting Overjet with the HERBST APPLIANCE: Expert Insights from Packard Family Orthodontics

August 9th, 2023

watch the full video on Dr. Packard's YouTube Channel

Are you or your loved one dealing with an overjet, commonly referred to as "buck teeth"? Don't worry – there's a highly effective solution that could help you achieve a beautifully aligned smile. At Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, we specialize in transforming smiles and boosting confidence through advanced orthodontic treatments. In this article, we'll explore the Herbst appliance, a remarkable orthodontic tool designed to correct overjet issues.

Understanding Overjet: What You Need to Know

An overjet occurs when the upper front teeth protrude further than the lower teeth, often resulting in an uneven bite and an aesthetically displeasing appearance. This condition can lead to various dental problems, including difficulty chewing, increased risk of tooth injury, and even speech issues. Fortunately, modern orthodontics offers a solution that addresses overjet effectively – the Herbst appliance.

Introducing the HERBST APPLIANCE: How It Works

The Herbst appliance is a specialized orthodontic device designed to promote proper jaw alignment and correct overjet concerns. This revolutionary appliance is fixed in the mouth and consists of metal rods that connect the upper and lower jaws. By encouraging the lower jaw to catch up with the upper jaw, the Herbst appliance gradually shifts the bite into a more harmonious position.

The Benefits of Choosing the HERBST APPLIANCE

  1. Effective Overjet Correction: The primary goal of the Herbst appliance is to align the jaws and create a balanced bite, ultimately resolving overjet issues and enhancing both function and aesthetics.
  2. Comfortable and Convenient: While an initial adjustment period is expected, patients often find the Herbst appliance comfortable to wear, and its fixed nature means there's no need to worry about taking it in and out for cleaning.
  3. Encourages Natural Growth: The Herbst appliance harnesses the body's natural growth processes, using the lower jaw's development to achieve a more aligned bite, reducing the need for more invasive interventions later in life.
  4. Collaborative Approach: Our experienced orthodontists at Packard Family Orthodontics work closely with patients, carefully monitoring the progress of the Herbst appliance treatment to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Why Choose Packard Family Orthodontics?

At Packard Family Orthodontics, your journey to a confident and healthy smile is our priority. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic care that's tailored to your specific needs. When you choose us for your orthodontic journey, you can expect:

  • Expertise: Our skilled orthodontists, led by Dr. Ryan Packard have extensive experience in utilizing the Herbst appliance and other cutting-edge techniques.
  • Personalized Care: We understand that every smile is unique. Our team will develop a customized treatment plan to address your overjet concerns effectively.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our modern clinics in McKinney and Anna, Texas, are equipped with the latest technology to ensure your comfort and successful treatment.
  • Patient-Centered Approach: We prioritize open communication and patient education, ensuring you're well-informed and confident in your treatment decisions.

Ready to Transform Your Smile?

If you or a family member are struggling with an overjet, the Herbst appliance could be the key to achieving a balanced, harmonious smile. Contact Packard Family Orthodontics today to schedule a consultation with our experienced orthodontic team. Let us guide you on the path to a confident smile that you'll be proud to share with the world.

How to Correct Excessive Overbite Without Surgery at Packard Family Orthodontics

August 4th, 2023

Watch the full video on Dr Packard's YouTube channel

Do you find yourself often pondering over your excessive overbite? Are you worried that your top teeth protrude too far over your bottom teeth? Welcome to the Packard Family Orthodontics blog! In McKinney and Anna, Texas, we understand your concerns and are here to guide you through your journey towards a perfect smile. In this blog, we will talk about how to correct an excessive overbite without the need for surgery, but rather, using safe and effective orthodontic treatments.

Firstly, let's clarify a common misconception. When most people mention an 'overbite,' they are actually referring to what orthodontists call 'overjet.' A little overjet is normal and, in fact, necessary as the top teeth should ideally be slightly in front of the bottom teeth. However, the issue arises when the overjet is excessive. This condition can be a result of the lower jaw bone being set far back compared to the upper jaw bone. If you're experiencing this, it's time to book an appointment with your orthodontist.

The Importance of Growth Modification

An effective and safe method of overbite correction involves a technique called 'growth modification.' Growth modification is a fascinating concept that involves controlling the growth direction of the jaw to minimize overjet. Although the size of your lower jaw, or mandible, is genetically determined, we can modify its growth pattern.

Imagine your lower jaw as an arrow pointing backward because of the excessive overjet. What growth modification does is that it repositions this 'arrow' to point more forward, and then this new position is maintained for several months to a year. This process enables your lower jaw to adapt and grow into this new position, creating a more balanced jaw structure and reducing the overjet. Timing this process to coincide with a child's peak growth spurt (around 10.5 - 11 years for girls, and 12.5 - 13 years for boys) can yield optimum results.

Tools We Use For Growth Modification

At Packard Family Orthodontics in Anna and McKinney, Texas, our favorite tool for growth modification is the Herbst appliance. Other practices may also use devices like MARA and headgear. While there are devices you can remove, such as rubber bands, we recommend considering something that's glued in place for more predictable results. Though these fixed devices might seem daunting, they often provide a more effective outcome.

Now, growth modification might not be a silver bullet for everyone. Sometimes, the discrepancy in the jaw is so significant that a combination of growth modification and tooth extraction may be required. In some rare cases, the best way to correct the problem could be surgery. But rest assured, for most people, much can be accomplished with growth modification.

Wrapping Up

So, if you're dealing with an excessive overbite, don't wait! Visit your orthodontist to discuss if growth modification could be an option for you. Here at Packard Family Orthodontics, we are passionate about creating beautiful smiles and would love to help you on your journey.

We hope you found this blog post informative. If you have experienced growth modification to help fix overjet, we would love to hear about your journey. Leave a comment below, and consider subscribing to our blog for more insights into the world of orthodontics.

Remember, it's always a good time for some PFO (Packard Family Orthodontics) insights! Now that you know where you're going with your orthodontic concerns, we're ready to help guide you every step of the way. Packard out!

Diet Soda vs. Regular Soda: Which is better for teeth?

December 18th, 2019

When most patients ask Meredith Packard this question, they're thinking strictly about sugar content — cut out the bacteria-feeding sugar that's present in regular soda by opting for a diet soda and it will be better for your teeth. That seems logical, right? Well, there's a bit more to it than that. Let's take a closer look at how any kind of soda can affect your dental health.

Diet Soda – Why it can also lead to tooth decay

The main culprit in these drinks that leads to decay is the acid content. Diet sodas and other sugar-free drinks are usually highly acidic, which weakens the enamel on your teeth and makes them more susceptible to cavities and dental erosion. The level of phosphoric acid, citric acid, and/or tartaric acid is usually high in sugar-free drinks so it's best to avoid them.

Some patients also enjoy drinking orange juice or other citrus juices. These drinks are high in citric acid and have the same effect on the enamel of your teeth.

So what about regular soda?

We know the acidity of diet sodas and sugar-free drinks contributes to tooth decay, so what about regular soda? Like we alluded to earlier, regular soda is high in sugar — a 12 ounce can contains roughly ten teaspoons of sugar — and sugar feeds the decay-causing bacteria in the mouth. This also includes sports drinks and energy drinks, which are highly acidic and loaded with sugar too. So these drinks are a double-whammy of sugar and acidity your teeth and body simply don't need.

The problems caused by both diet and regular soda is exacerbated when you sip on them throughout the day. If you drink it all in one sitting, you won't be washing sugar and/or acids over your teeth all day long and your saliva will have a chance to neutralize the pH in your mouth.

The best beverages to drink and how to drink them

Drinking beverages that are lower in acid is a good step to take to keep your enamel strong. According to a study conducted by Matthew M. Rodgers and J. Anthony von Fraunhofer at the University of Michigan, your best bets are plain water, black tea or coffee, and if you opt for a soda, root beer. These drinks dissolved the least amount of enamel when measured 14 days after consumption of the beverage.

If you still choose to drink soda, diet soda, sugar-free drinks, or juices here are some other tips to lessen tooth decay:

  • Drink your soda or acidic beverages through a straw to minimize contact with teeth
  • Rinse with water immediately after consumption of the beverage
  • Avoid brushing your teeth between 30 minutes to an hour after drinking the beverage as this has been shown to spread the acids before your saliva can bring your mouth back to a neutral pH
  • Avoid drinks that have acids listed on the ingredients label

Still have questions about soda, sugar, and acid? Give our McKinney, Texas office a call and we’d be happy to help!

Brushing with Braces: How to Keep a Clean Mouth

December 11th, 2019

A clean mouth is a happy mouth. And when Meredith Packard and our staff see you have a clean mouth, we are happy too. Of course, all of this should make you happy because you’re the one preventing sneaky little food bits from getting trapped under the wires of your braces.

Still, you need to be thorough with your brushing. When you have braces, you’re playing a game of hide-and-go-seek with everything you eat. Here are five tips to keep your mouth (and us) happy.

  1. How is brushing with braces like geometry? It’s all about the angles. Brush the tops of your teeth and braces with your brush angled down. Brush the bottom of your teeth with the brush angled up. Pointy brushes, aka interproximal brushes, are good for reaching the tiny spots around braces.
  2. Brush after every meal. If those sneaky little food bits hide in your mouth for very long, they’ll turn into plaque. And plaque is a sign of a very unhappy mouth.
  3. Brush one tooth at a time for at least ten seconds, and pay close attention to the spots where your braces touch your teeth.
  4. Fluoride is your new BFF. Make sure your toothpaste and mouthwash contain this cavity-fighting ingredient.
  5. Braces are no excuse not to floss. In fact, saying you can’t floss because you have braces is like saying the dog ate your homework. Meredith Packard and our staff, like your geometry teacher, aren’t going to buy it. Be sure to floss after every meal.

What is a palatal expander?

December 4th, 2019

Orthodontists like Meredith Packard recommend a first orthodontic visit and evaluation for your child around the age of seven. We will evaluate your child’s jaw and facial development and make sure that there is enough room in the mouth for the permanent teeth when they arrive. One of the recommendations we might make for early treatment is the use of a palatal expander. If you are unfamiliar with this device, let’s take a closer look at why it’s necessary and what exactly it does.

Why do we recommend the palatal expander?

There are two dental arches, composed of the upper and the lower teeth, in your child’s mouth. This arch-shaped design is meant to accommodate all the permanent teeth. Further, when the upper and lower teeth meet, they should result in a healthy occlusion, or bite.

Sometimes, the upper dental arch is simply too small to accommodate all of your child’s permanent teeth, leading to crowding, extractions, and impacted teeth. Also, a too-narrow arch can result in a crossbite, where some of the upper teeth bite inside the lower ones. An improper bite can lead to problems such as TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder, improper wear and stress on teeth, certain speech difficulties, and other potential complications. The palatal expander was designed to prevent these problems from occurring.

What is a palatal expander and how does it work?

The expander itself is a device that increases the size of the upper dental arch. Before your child’s bones are finished growing, the space between the two bones of the upper palate is filled with cartilage. This tissue is flexible when children are young, but gradually fuses solidly into place by the time they are finished growing (usually in the early to mid-teens). If the arch can be widened to accommodate the emerging permanent teeth, or to reduce malocclusions, this improvement can also affect the need for, and length of, future dental work.

There are several types of expanders available at our McKinney, Texas office. These are custom-made appliances, commonly attached between the upper teeth on each side of the jaw. The two halves of the device are connected with a screw-type mechanism that can be adjusted to widen the upper palate and dental arch with gentle pressure. This is a gradual process, with small adjustments usually made once or twice a day to slowly move the bones further apart. As weeks go by, you will notice a successful change in the spacing of the teeth. Your child might even develop a gap in the front teeth, which is normal and will generally close on its own.

If you would like more detailed information, talk to Meredith Packard about the palate expander. We can tell you what to expect from this treatment if we think it is best for your child’s unique needs, and how to make it as easy as possible for your child. Our goal is to provide your child with the healthiest teeth and bite possible, always making use of treatments that are both gentle and effective.

Thanksgiving in North America

November 27th, 2019

Thanksgiving marks the start to the holidays; a season filled with feasting, indulging, and spending time with family and friends are always special. Thanksgiving is a holiday meant for giving thanks, and while this may seem like such a natural celebration, the United States is only one of a handful of countries to officially celebrate with a holiday.

Unlike many holidays, Thanksgiving is a secular holiday, and it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October, which is, oddly enough, much closer to a time when harvests were likely gathered. In addition to the different dates, the origins of the celebration also share different roots.

Thanksgiving in the United States

Giving thanks for a bountiful harvest are not new, but the modern day holiday in the US can be traced to a celebration at Plymouth in Massachusetts in 1621. This feast of thanksgiving was inspired by a good harvest, and the tradition was simply continued on. At first, the colony at Plymouth didn't have enough food to feed everyone present, but the Native Americans helped by providing seeds and teaching them how to fish, and they soon began to be able to hold a feast worthy of the name. The tradition spread, and by the 1660s, most of New England was hosting a Thanksgiving feast in honor of the harvest.

Canadian Thanksgiving

An explorer of early Canada named Martin Frobisher is accredited for the first Canadian Thanksgiving. He survived the arduous journey from England through harsh weather conditions and rough terrain, and after his last voyage from Europe to present-day Nunavut, he held a formal ceremony to give thanks for his survival and good fortune. As time passed and more settlers arrived, a feast was added to what quickly became a yearly tradition. Another explorer, Samuel de Champlain, is linked to the first actual Thanksgiving celebration in honor of a successful harvest; settlers who arrived with him in New France celebrated the harvest with a bountiful feast.

A Modern Thanksgiving

Today, Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with the best of Americana. From feasts and football games to getting ready for the start of the Christmas shopping season, Thanksgiving means roasted turkey, pumpkin pie, and green bean casserole. No matter how you celebrate this momentous day, pause for a moment to give thanks for your friends, family, and all the bounties you’ve received. Happy Thanksgiving from Packard Family Orthodontics!

Five Reasons for Your Bad Breath

November 20th, 2019

Bad breath, or halitosis, is probably not a matter of life or death. But it can make you feel self-conscious and have a negative impact on your life. The majority of people suffering from bad breath are dealing with oral bacterial. However, there are other causes of this embarrassing problem. Learning more can help you fight this solvable problem.

Five Causes of Embarrassingly Bad Breath

  1. Dry Mouth. A decrease in saliva flow can be caused by several things. Most often, medication or mouth breathing are the culprits. As saliva helps wash away food particles from your mouth, it prevents bad breath. Dry mouth can be dealt with by stimulating salivation.
  2. Gum Disease and Poor Oral Hygiene. Not brushing and flossing well enough or with enough frequency can lead to gum disease, which leads to bad breath. Halitosis can be a sign that plaque is present on your teeth.
  3. Food-Related Bad Breath. Food particles that aren't brushed or flossed away attract bacteria that leads to bad breath. It's especially important to brush after eating strong-smelling foods, such as garlic or onions.
  4. Smoking and Tobacco. Tobacco is bad for your health, and that includes your oral health. Smoking or chewing tobacco can contribute toward the development of gum disease, as well as oral cancer.
  5. Mouth Infections and Other Medical Problems. A mouth infection, sinus infection or even the common cold can cause you to temporarily have bad breath. Even conditions such as diabetes and reflux can cause halitosis. It's always wise to see Meredith Packard to help determine the cause.

We are Your Ally

Even if you maintain good oral hygiene, it's important to see Meredith Packard at our McKinney, Texas office to deal with or avoid problems with bad breath. We can help you uncover the cause of halitosis, while also providing solutions that allow you to enjoy fresh breath without relying on mints and breath fresheners. As is the case with all things related to oral health, we are your number-one ally when it comes to eliminating the problem of bad breath.

Looking Back at the Old Days of Braces

November 13th, 2019

Braces can be painful, but if you are a teen who loves being social, the worst part about them can be their look. They show up in your photos, and you will not be able to take braces-free photos for several months, or even years. The time will pass, though, and your teeth will be the better for it. In the meantime, consider the other people who have survived braces.

Plenty of People Get Braces

There are many reasons for getting braces:

  • Correct an overbite or underbite
  • Straighten teeth
  • Fix poorly-spaced teeth

With so many possible ways to get braces, it’s no surprise that they are so common.

Find Out Who Had Braces

The long lists of celebrities who had braces as teenagers or even adults can give you the comfort of knowing you are in good company. Even better, these lists provide visible proof that there is life on the other side of braces. Actors and actresses on the Cosby Show, Scrubs, and Ugly Betty, as well as tennis star Martina Hingis and Miss America 1975, Shirley Cothran, had braces. Ask your parents. If they didn’t have braces, there is a good chance that some of their siblings did.

Benefits of Braces

Wearing braces can make your life a lot better in the future. Your teeth will be more attractive, and your smile will shine through in photos of you. Straight teeth are not just about looks, though. They can prevent a variety of health problems, such as caries, gum disease, speech impairments, and trouble chewing. Be patient, and the benefits of braces will come.

Curing the Nail-Biting Habit

November 6th, 2019

Do you ever find yourself gnawing at your nails? Nail-biting is a very common and difficult to break habit which usually has its beginnings in childhood. It can leave your fingers and nail beds red and swollen. But if you think that your nails are the only ones getting roughed up by nail-biting you'd be mistaken—so are your teeth!

According to a study by the Academy of General Dentistry, those who bite their nails, clench their teeth, or chew on pencils are at much higher risk to develop bruxism (unintentional grinding of the teeth). Bruxism can lead to tooth sensitivity, tooth loss, receding gums, headaches, and general facial pain.

Those are some nasty sounding side effects from chewing on your nails. Most nail-biting is a sign of stress or anxiety and its something you should deal with. So what steps can you take if you have a nail-biting habit?

There are several things you can do to ease up on nail-biting:

  • Trim your nails shorter and/or get regular manicures – Trimming your nails shorter is an effective remedy. In so doing, they'll be less tempting and more difficult to bite on. If you also get regular manicures, you’ll be less likely to ruin the investment you’ve made in your hands and fingernails!
  • Find a different kind of stress reduction – Try meditation, deep breathing, practicing qigong or yoga, or doing something that will keep your hands occupied like squeezing a stress ball or playing with a yo-yo.
  • Wear a bitter-tasting nail polish – When your nails taste awful, you won't bite them! Clear or colored, it doesn't matter. This is also a helpful technique for helping children get over the habit.
  • Figure out what triggers your nail-biting – Sometimes it's triggered by stress or anxiety and other times it can be a physical stressor, like having hang nails. Knowing what situations cause you to bite your nails will help you to avoid them and break the habit.
  • Wear gloves or bandages on your fingers – If you've tried the steps above and they aren't working, this technique can prove effective since your fingernails won't be accessible to bite.

If you're still having trouble with nail-biting after trying these self-help steps, it's best to consult your doctor, dermatologist, or Meredith Packard. For some, it may also be the sign of a deeper psychological or emotional problem.

Whatever the cause, nail-biting is a habit you need to break for your physical and emotional well-being. If you have any questions about the effects it can have on your oral health, please don't hesitate to ask Meredith Packard during your next visit to our McKinney, Texas office.

Halloween: Candy, costumes, and more!

October 30th, 2019

All Hallows' Eve, more commonly known as Halloween, is a yearly event celebrated on October 31, and one that is anticipated by the young and young at heart all over the world. Some scholars claim that Halloween originated from Celtic festivals that honored the dead or that celebrated the harvest, while others doubt that there's any connection at all to Samhain (a Gaelic harvest festival.) Regardless of its origin, our team at the Orthodontist office of Meredith Packard hopes that Halloween is fun and enjoyed by all of our awesome patients!

Trick or treat?

In North America, Halloween is predominantly celebrated by children who dress up in costumes, which range from scary to cute, who then go around the neighborhood knocking on doors asking "trick or treat", and they are given candy in return. Trick-or-treating is a time honored tradition, and though many parents groan at the pounds and pounds of candy collected by youngsters and fear for the health of their teeth, there are a few things you can do to help their teeth stay in great shape until the candy is gone:

  • Limit the amount of candy they can consume each day
  • Have them brush their teeth after eating candy
  • Avoid hard, chewy candies as they can stick in hard to brush places
  • Keep candy out of sight to reduce temptation
  • Don't buy candy too far in advance to limit pre-Halloween consumption
  • Help or encourage your children to floss

Halloween Fun

Halloween isn't just about gorging on candy; there are other events associated with this festive day including carving jack-o'-lanterns, painting pumpkins, decorating sugar cookies, bobbing for apples, going to haunted houses, or just curling up on the couch with a bowl full of popcorn and watching some classic, scary movies.

Halloween Around the World

Some countries, like Australia, frown upon Halloween, claiming it is an American event and not based in Australian culture, while others like Italy have embraced the fun and celebrate much as Canadians and Americans do. Mexicans have been celebrating this fun day since around 1960, and it marks the beginning of the Day of the Dead festival. Some countries in Europe have come late to the party, but since the 1990s, countries like Sweden, Norway, and Germany have started celebrating Halloween as well, and finding children in costumes or having ghosts hanging in windows has become commonplace.

Halloween is about fun; stepping outside our normal lives and donning a costume or gathering with friends to knock on doors and ask for candy is as much a part of our culture as hot dogs and barbecue on Labor Day. Have a safe and happy Halloween from the team at Packard Family Orthodontics!

How to Avoid Delays During Your Orthodontic Treatment

October 23rd, 2019

Our patients at Packard Family Orthodontics hate the thought of delaying their treatments and often ask us what they can do in between their adjustment visits to help. Today, Meredith Packard and our team thought we would provide some tips on how you can stay on track in regards to your treatment plan time.

The first thing we want you to do is keep your adjustment appointments. Each visit with Meredith Packard is carefully planned to move your teeth a specific way in a certain time frame. It’s important to note that missing an appointment can add weeks or months to your treatment time.

Next, we want you to let Meredith Packard and our team know right away if your experience any problems with your braces or appliances. A missing wire, rubber band, or broken bracket can delay treatment time, so we ask that you please give us a call right away to report any issues rather than waiting until your next visit.

Make sure you wear your rubber bands as prescribed by Meredith Packard. Most, if not all, of our patients will need to wear elastics or rubber bands at some point during their treatment. Not wearing the bands or elastics, or not wearing them enough, can slow down your treatment time. Rubber bands are critical in aligning your bite and are important for the bite-fixing phase of your treatment.

Finally, we want you to maintain good oral hygiene, just as you did before your treatment began. In addition to flossing regularly, we encourage you to brush your teeth several times a day. Not brushing will allow sugar to wear away the cement on the braces, making them less effective in moving your teeth, as well as elevate your risk of developing cavities or tooth decay, which will inevitably delay treatment time.

If you have any questions about any of these tips, or if you have any general questions about your treatment, please give us a call at our convenient McKinney, Texas office, or ask Meredith Packard during your next adjustment visit!

Snacks that are Healthy for Your Body and Your Braces

October 16th, 2019

You know the school day’s over when you hear these seven little words: “I’m home! Is there anything to eat?”

And before your child got braces, you had the answer: simple, tasty snacks that provided not only an energy boost, but nutritional elements to help build strong teeth and strong bodies. But now whole carrot sticks and unsliced apples are out. Nuts and crunchy peanut butter? Not in your pantry. Hard cheeses and crunchy whole grain crackers? Also off the shopping list.

Because any foods that are crunchy, chewy, or hard to bite into can damage brackets and wires, it’s time to freshen up your go-to snack list. Luckily, Meredith Packard can recommend many healthy and braces-friendly choices when children need something to tide them over until dinner.

  • Fruits and Vegetables for Vitamins and Minerals

Soft fruits like berries, melon, and bananas provide essential vitamins and minerals while going easy on your child’s braces. Make it a blended smoothie for a cool treat—you can even add a healthy handful of spinach or kale without interfering with that fruity taste. If your child still loves apples and carrots best, keep them on hand—but remember that thin slices are the only way to go.

  • Dairy Delivers Calcium

Cottage cheese, string cheese, and other soft cheeses provide essential calcium and vitamin D. Yogurt in all its many flavors is another great option.

  • Meats Provides Protein

Lean meats such as thinly sliced ham, chicken, or turkey provide flavor and protein, and don’t require the chewing that bologna, roast beef, and salami do. And nothing packs a protein punch like eggs—hard boiled, deviled, or diced up in egg salad.

  • Grains, Legumes, and Vegetables for Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates—the “good” carbs—are important sources of energy for our bodies. Snacks such as hummus with soft whole grain pita wedges or blended black bean dip and soft crackers are a delicious, energizing option.

You are constantly looking for ways to make your children’s lives better. Mix and match any of these foods for a snack that’s not only good for their braces, but good for their teeth and bodies! Let us know your child’s favorite snack the next time you visit our McKinney, Texas office!

How do braces move my teeth?

October 9th, 2019

Great question! Tooth movement is your body’s natural response to light pressure applied by braces over a period of time (usually two years). Braces work by using brackets that are glued onto your teeth; these brackets have small slots, and that is where Meredith Packard and our team insert orthodontic wires. These wires are held in place by small elastic ties that fit around the brackets. As time passes during your treatment, these wires apply pressure on your teeth, which sets in motion the movement of your teeth into their desired positions. Each of your teeth has a different size and shape to them, as do the brackets. Each bracket is custom-made for the particular tooth on which it’s supposed to fit.

Not long ago, orthodontists had stainless steel wires and that was about it. Today, however, we have a number of different high-tech wires at our disposal to move your teeth faster and more comfortably.

When you first get your braces on, the first wire or two will typically be very flexible, but still strong enough to apply a constant force on your teeth. As your teeth straighten out over time, however, Meredith Packard will use progressively thicker and firmer wires to help move your teeth in place for an ideal bite.

Every time you visit our office for an adjustment, we will swap out the wires in order to keep putting pressure on your teeth, which is why it’s so important for you to keep your adjustment visits during your treatment. Most adjustment appointments are scheduled four to eight weeks apart to give your teeth time to move.

As for rubber bands and elastics, most of our patients will need to wear elastics or rubber bands at some point during their treatments. These elastics typically go from one or more of the upper braces to one or more of the lower braces, and pull on your teeth to move them in the direction they need to move in order to achieve an optimal bite.

If you have any questions about wires, brackets, or elastics, or have any general questions about your treatment, please give us a call at our McKinney, Texas office.

October is National Orthodontic Health Month

October 2nd, 2019

What does the month of October mean to you? For people in the northern hemisphere, October is when the weather starts to get a little chilly: heavy jackets might come out of storage and the summer clothing gets packed away. You might start making plans for the upcoming holidays or looking at the beautiful and changing autumn scenery. October means something a little different to our team at Packard Family Orthodontics because this is National Orthodontic Health Month. During October, orthodontic clinics all over the country work together to promote their services and inform the community about the important work we do.

National Orthodontic Health Month is an awareness campaign created cooperatively by orthodontists and other dental health professionals. During this month, we make a special effort to promote dental health and orthodontic health in particular. This is a great time to get your questions answered by dental professionals in your community and to learn more about exactly what an orthodontist can do for you and your family. Events held in connection with National Orthodontic Health Month are also an opportunity for us orthodontists to come out and meet community members. If you have never been to an orthodontist before, you might not know what to expect. Meeting one of us in person before your checkup is a great way to find out what kind of person you’ll be seeing during your appointment.

Meeting Meredith Packard in a relaxed “meet and greet” atmosphere can be especially helpful for any young orthodontic patients in your family. Kids of all ages–and their parents!–can feel anxiety about going to the dentist. Getting to know the person you have an appointment with can make the experience a lot less stressful for everyone. We don't want anyone to avoid seeing a dental professional for regular checkups just because they don't know who we are. Just meeting and talking with the orthodontist you'll be seeing may be enough to make you feel more comfortable about your upcoming appointment.

Dental health is something that affects everyone; healthy teeth and gums contribute to a healthy smile and a lifetime of comfort and well-being. Orthodontists are just one of the various dental practitioners you could visit at some point in your life, so taking a little time to learn who we are and what we do is certain to be a helpful experience. We look forward to seeing you and your family this October at our McKinney, Texas location!

Crushing the Ice-Chewing Habit

September 25th, 2019

It's a habit many people have and not only can it be annoying to the people around you, it can be detrimental to your dental health. Chewing ice is so common that it even has its own name, pagophagia. We're not talking about a slushy or shaved ice (although those artificially sugary treats should be avoided too!) but more like the hunks of ice rattling around in the bottom of your glass.

Ice chewing can be a sign of emotional problems like stress or obsessive-compulsive disorder, but it can also be a marker for iron deficiency anemia and other physical problems. Then again, some people just like to have something to chew on. For whatever reason you find yourself chewing on it, it's a habit you need to break.

Chewing on ice can cause:

  • Chipped and cracked teeth
  • Damaged enamel
  • Sore jaw muscles
  • Damage to dental work such as crowns, fillings, or other appliances

If chewing on ice is becoming a problem in your life, don’t hesitate to speak with Meredith Packard about it. But if you find yourself still wanting to chew on something, here are a few alternatives to ice:

  • Baby carrots
  • Celery sticks
  • Sugar-free (xylitol) gum

We know you need to chill sometimes, but chomping down your entire glass of ice is not the way to do it. If you have any other questions on the topic, feel free to talk with a member of our McKinney, Texas team. It may be beneficial in solving the issue and helping to remediate any damage to your teeth.

Electric Toothbrushes vs. Regular Toothbrushes

September 18th, 2019

Convertible or sedan? Downtown or suburbs? Electric or manual toothbrush? As life decisions go, it’s certainly not choosing your next car, or deciding where you want to live. But, even when you are selecting a toothbrush, it helps to make a list of the pros and cons of the contenders before you make that final selection.

  • Efficiency

The most important factor in choosing a toothbrush is finding out which model works best to eliminate bacteria and plaque. And studies have shown that, used properly, both electric and manual toothbrushes do a great job of removing plaque. Some electric models can reach the backs of teeth and the gumline more easily, some manual head designs work better for your individual mouth and teeth, so your particular needs should dictate which style of toothbrush you use. Talk to us about the best methods to brush with your preferred toothbrush, and we’ll let you know if one type of toothbrush or the other might work better for you.

  • Health Considerations

Brushing too energetically can actually harm teeth and gums, causing sensitivity and damage to the enamel and gum tissue. An electric toothbrush should provide a continuous brushing motion without needing any pressure from the brusher. This might be the model for you if you have a too-vigorous approach to brushing, or sensitive teeth and gums.

An electric toothbrush can also be more efficient for older and younger brushers, those with limited mobility, and those with health conditions or injuries that make brushing with a regular toothbrush more difficult.

  • Cost

An electric toothbrush is not a one-time investment. You should change the removable head as often as you change your manual toothbrush (every three to four months, please). But this cost is offset if an electric toothbrush is more efficient in removing your plaque, easier to use, or even if you just prefer it to manual brushing. If you find that you brush better and more often with an electric toothbrush, the added expense is well worth it.

Whichever brush you decide on, the most important part of the brush is the person holding it! A regular appointment with your toothbrush for two minutes of thorough brushing in the morning and two in the evening, daily flossing, and regular visits to our office for checkups and cleanings will keep your teeth healthy and strong no matter which toothbrush you choose.

Questions about your toothbrush choices? Don’t hesitate to ask Meredith Packard at our McKinney, Texas office.

How Braces Can Work at Any Age

September 11th, 2019

The team at Packard Family Orthodontics loves to help adults achieve straighter teeth and a beautiful smile. If you are considering getting braces, here are some things you’ll need to know.

Can braces work for adults?

The good news is that braces work for just about anyone. There are several different types of braces, howver, and not all of them may work for you. The different kinds of orthodontic treatments include:

  • Ceramic braces
  • Metal braces
  • Self-ligating brackets
  • Lingual brackets (braces behind the teeth)
  • Invisible braces
  • Rubber bands for bite correction
  • Headgear and other appliances

Schedule a consultation with Meredith Packard, and we can help you determine the best option for your needs.

How do I get started?

We understand that braces can be a daunting prospect for many individuals. They may appear expensive and time-consuming; however, the process can be relatively pain-free! Here are the first steps you need to take on the road to straight teeth.

You will probably have a lot of questions and concerns before starting. Here are a few questions you should ask:

  • What kind of braces do you recommend for my teeth?
  • How long will the treatment take?
  • How often will I need to come in for adjustments?
  • What is the total cost of the treatment? Do you accept insurance? Will you require the full amount up front, or do you have payment plans?

During your first meeting with Meredith Packard, we’ll take some X-rays and molds of your teeth to help you determine your best treatment plan. To ensure your treatment is as effective as possible, we may include preliminary dental work before your braces are placed.

After you’ve chosen a treatment plan and undergone any necessary prerequisite dental work, you’ll be on your way to a better smile! Call our McKinney, Texas location so you can get started today!

Tips for Caring for Your Braces at School

September 4th, 2019

School can present a few issues when it comes to caring for your braces and mouth, since you won't have the luxury of the time and tools you have at your disposal while you're at home. But if you head to school prepared, you shouldn't have any trouble keeping your braces and mouth in great shape. Below is a list of helpful tips to care for your braces throughout the entire school year.

  • Bring a kit that includes all of your oral health care items. This is a seriously smart thing to do and probably the most important of all the tips. Pack things like a toothbrush, floss, wax, retainer case (if needed), a mirror, a small cup for rinsing, a small bottle of water (if you don't already have some water with you), and some OTC pain medicine or a natural pain remedy. Keep the kit in your locker or backpack. Having all these items on hand will save you a lot of trouble and discomfort, and also ensure you don't have anything unsightly stuck in your braces or teeth!
  • Take advantage of breaks and lunchtime. After eating lunch is a great time to pop into the restroom and give your braces and teeth a once over to make sure you don't have any food debris caught in them and to tend to any sore spots. If you've just had your braces adjusted, you may have soreness on your gums or cheeks. This is where the wax you packed will come in handy.
  • Eat the right food for your braces. Avoid all the foods that wreak havoc on your braces like gum, candy, popcorn, hard chips, apples which aren't cut into wedges, nuts, beef jerky, ice, etc. You know the foods we're talking about; you've heard it enough already. Steering clear of these foods will help you prevent any possible mishaps with your braces, like breaking a bracket or wire, which is the last thing you want happening at school.

If you follow these tips and also keep up on your oral health routine at home, you'll be maximizing the effectiveness of your braces and making them as comfortable as possible. Do you have questions about caring for your braces during the school day? Ask Meredith Packard or anyone in our McKinney, Texas office and we'll gladly help you out!

Labor Day: Our favorite holiday to rest!

August 28th, 2019

Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday each September here in the United States, is a holiday devoted to the American working community. The purpose of the holiday is honoring the country's workers and their contributions to the strength of our country as a whole.

How Labor Day Started

There is actually some debate as to the origins of Labor Day. It is uncertain whether Peter McGuire, a cofounder for the American Federation of Labor, or Matthew Maguire, who was the secretary of Central Labor Union of New York, had the great idea. However, the Central Labor Union's plans were what launched the first Labor Day in America.

The First Labor Day

The very first Labor Day was celebrated on September 5th, 1882. The Central Labor Union then held annual celebrations on September 5th for what they called a working man's holiday. By the year 1885, the Labor Day celebration had spread to many different industrial areas, and after that it began spreading to all industries in the United States.

Labor Day Today

Labor Day today is a huge United States holiday during which we honor the country's workers with a day of rest and relaxation or a day of picnics and parades. This holiday is truly one to honor the many people who work hard to contribute to the economic well-being of our great country!

Our team at Packard Family Orthodontics hopes all of our patients celebrate Labor Day, and every holiday, safely and happily. Whether you stay in the McKinney, Texas area, or travel out of town, have fun, and don't forget to brush!

What are the benefits of early orthodontic treatment?

August 21st, 2019

Parents usually have numerous questions about orthodontic treatment for their children. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, orthodontic treatment for children should start at around seven years of age. This allows Meredith Packard to evaluate the child’s existing and incoming teeth to determine whether or not early treatment might be necessary.

What is early orthodontic treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment, known as Phase One, usually begins when the child is eight or nine years old. The goal is to correct bite problems such as an underbite as well as guide the jaw’s growth pattern. It also helps to make room in the mouth for the permanent teeth to be properly placed as they come in. This will greatly reduce the risk of the child needing extractions later in life due to his or her teeth getting crowded.

Does your child need early orthodontic treatment?

There are several ways that you can determine whether your child needs early treatment. If you observe any of these characteristics or behaviors, you should talk to Meredith Packard.

  • Early loss of baby teeth (before age five)
  • Late loss of baby teeth (after age five or six)
  • The child’s teeth do not meet properly or at all
  • The child is a mouth breather
  • Front teeth are crowded (you won’t see this until the child is about seven or eight)
  • Protruding teeth, typically in the front
  • Biting or chewing difficulties
  • A speech impediment
  • The child’s jaw shifts when he or she opens or closes the mouth
  • The child is older than five years and still sucks a thumb

What are the benefits of seeking orthodontic treatment early?

Early orthodontic treatment is begun while the child’s jaw bones are still soft. They do not harden until the children reach their late teens. Because the bones are still pliable, corrective procedures such as braces work faster than they do for adults.

In short, early treatment at our McKinney, Texas office often allows your child to avoid lengthy procedures, extraction, and surgery in adulthood. Early treatment is an effective preventive measure that lays the foundation for a healthy, stable mouth in adulthood.

What's the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist?

August 14th, 2019

Orthodontists and dentists both help patients improve their oral health, but in different ways. Dentistry is a broad medical specialty that deals with the teeth, gum, nerves, and jaw, while orthodontics is a specialty within dentistry that focuses on correcting bites, occlusion, and the straightness of teeth. One important difference is that all orthodontists like Meredith Packard are dentists, but not all dentists are licensed orthodontists.

How are they similar?

The main similarity between a dentist and orthodontist is that they both focus on oral care. An orthodontist can work in a dental office and provide the same care as a dentist. So in this respect, they are quite similar. They are both considered doctors, and deal with the teeth and gums.

How are they different?

There are more differences than similarities. An orthodontist requires additional schooling as a dental specialty; the situation is similar to a doctor who obtains additional schooling to become a surgeon. Another difference is that orthodontists specialize in helping patients with the alignment of their teeth, improving their bite, or fitting them for corrective braces and devices. If a patient has an overbite, a dentist will refer him or her to an orthodontist.

Dentists typically encourage good oral hygiene and provide services related to:

  • Tooth decay
  • Root canals
  • Gum disease
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Teeth whitening

Orthodontists are dentists that specialize in the alignment of teeth, and provide services related to:

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

What an orthodontist can help with

Orthodontists help with crooked teeth, but they assist patients with other issues as well. These include overbites and underbites, crossbites, spaces between teeth, overcrowding of teeth, and the treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Additional problems with the jaw also need to be treated by an orthodontist.

While a dentist may be trained to provide orthodontic care in addition to extractions, TMJ treatments, and fillings, trusting your smile to an orthodontist can better balance the different procedures you require.

To learn more about the difference between dentists and orthodontists, or to schedule an initial consultation with Meredith Packard, please give our team at Packard Family Orthodontics a call at our convenient McKinney, Texas office.

It's time to go back to school!

August 7th, 2019

Now that many of the schools in McKinney, Texas are back in session, Meredith Packard would like to remind all of our patients about the importance of scheduling appointments in advance. With school, clubs, sports, and family duties to consider, we know that it can be challenging to find time to visit Packard Family Orthodontics this fall. In order to accommodate all of our patients’ busy schedules, it is important that you plan ahead for your appointments so that we are able to provide you with a convenient appointment time.

As always, please remember to give us advanced notice if you’re unable to make your regularly scheduled appointment with Meredith Packard and our team. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule your fall appointment.

We’ll see you soon and hope summer is winding down nicely for you and your family!

Going Beyond Braces

July 17th, 2019

At Packard Family Orthodontics, we aren’t just concerned with straightening your teeth and giving you the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. We are also committed improving the oral health and the well-being of all our patients. Meredith Packard and our team strive to serve our patients by educating them about their treatments, as well as making them feel as comfortable as possible during their initial consultations up until the day they complete their treatments.

Making our patients more comfortable with taking care of their braces in between visits increases the likelihood that they will complete their treatments successfully. We want you to know that if you should ever have any questions about your orthodontic treatment, whether it’s during your adjustment appointment or after hours, we are always here for you and your family.

Please do not hesitate to give us a call at our McKinney, Texas office or ask us any questions you may have on our Facebook page! We can’t wait to hear from you!

Breakfast with Braces

July 10th, 2019

Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for many reasons. Children need to refuel after a long night’s sleep, and studies suggest that school kids who eat a good breakfast have more energy, better attendance and behavior, and even higher test scores than kids who don’t.  

But sometimes, especially with new braces or braces that have just been adjusted, the last thing on your child’s mind is breakfast. Fortunately, Meredith Packard can recommend many early morning options that will be both gentle on braces and healthy for growing bodies!

  • Yogurt

Soft, creamy, and filled with calcium and vitamin D, yogurt is an easy and nutritious choice. Try different fruit flavors or Greek yogurt for variety.

  • Eggs

Packed with protein, scrambled eggs are delicious on their own, or with the addition of cheese or soft veggies. If you’d like to add a bit of flair to the table, a cheese omelet is another great choice. Any egg option is a good one—just remember to skip the crunchy toast on the side.

  • Smoothies

Not only a great way to start your day, but a great way to get vitamins and minerals in one delicious meal. And with a flavor base of banana, mango, berries, or apple, no one will notice if some spinach or kale make their way into the blender!

  • Oatmeal

Unfortunately for the cereal lover, crunchy cereals and even granola are potentially damaging to wires and brackets. But oatmeal is a healthy alternative that can be made even tastier with the addition of soft fruits such as mangos, berries, and bananas.

  • Breads and Pastries

Crunchy and chewy breads and pastries can lead to broken brackets and wires. Soft breads, pancakes, non-crunchy French toast, and soft pastries are much kinder to braces. Because so many of these options are rich in sugar (especially with syrup!), it’s best to go lighter on foods like this and be sure to brush carefully afterward.

  • Fruit

Bananas, peaches, nectarines, berries—if it’s soft, it’s good to go! Cut larger fruits into bite-sized pieces. Dried fruits like raisins, dates, and cranberries can be chewy, sticky, and sugary, so best to take them off the shopping list for the time being.

It’s described as the most important meal of the day for many good reasons. With some of these easy-to-prepare breakfasts, you can add delicious, healthy, and braces-friendly to that description! If you stumble on a delicious recipe, don’t forget to share it the next time you visit our McKinney, Texas office!

Happy Fourth of July!

July 3rd, 2019

Happy Independence Day from Meredith Packard and team! The Fourth of July celebrations in America may have changed a lot over the years, but there is no doubt that we Americans love to celebrate the anniversary of our country's independence! Today we're devoting the Packard Family Orthodontics blog to some fun facts about the Fourth!

  • My, how we have grown! This year the United States Census Bureau estimates that our country has 313.9 million residents celebrating the Fourth of July this year, but back in 1776 there were just 2.5 million members of the country.
  • Our country loves to show how proud that we are of our independence. Did you know that there are 31 United States places with the word “Liberty” in their names? The state of Iowa actually has four towns with the word Liberty in the name: Libertyville, New Liberty, North Liberty, and West Liberty.
  • The United States loves Fourth of July food! It is expected that around 150 million hot dogs are eaten on the Fourth each year. One of the Fourth's most popular sides, potato salad, goes just perfectly with the hotdogs and hamburgers that are standard Fourth of July fare. Some people choose potato chips instead, but we wouldn't have such a plethora of potatoes if not for the prodigious production of the states of Idaho and Washington -- they provide about half of all the potatoes in the United States today!
  • Americans love celebrating the Fourth outdoors: About 74 million Americans fire up their BBQ grill every Fourth of July.
  • The Chinese contribution: Did you know that Americans have spent more than $211 million on fireworks that were imported from China?

No matter how your family chooses to celebrate the Fourth, stay safe, take precautions, and don't forget to brush after your fabulous Fourth feast!

Considerations When Picking the Right Mouthwash

June 26th, 2019

A solid oral health routine begins with daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Without a consistent oral health regimen, you may begin to experience tooth decay and bacterial infections. Few patients ask Meredith Packard about different mouthwash options, so we’ve put together a list of the conditions that mouthwashes can treat. This should help you decide which oral rinse would be best for you.

Gum Health

Antiseptic mouthwashes reduce large amounts of bacteria on and near the gum line and generally help to decrease your chances of developing gingivitis. The key ingredients of antiseptic mouthwashes are antibacterial and antimicrobial items. Antiseptic mouthwash is a preferable option if you are concerned about the general gum health of your mouth.


Fluoride is a great tool for preventive tooth decay treatment. It prevents tooth decay and is great for oral health in general because it kills germs that can live in your mouth. Fluoride also builds stronger teeth. If you’re a bottled water drinker, Meredith Packard may recommend that you purchase a simple fluoride rinse to use after brushing.

Bad Breath

Fluoride mouthwash can be used to fight any bad breath issues you may be facing. It’s designed to combat any bacteria that might be building up in your mouth. Most mouthwashes will help eliminate bad breath, but some are specifically designed to address this difficult problem. If you feel as though this might be turning into a chronic problem, please contact Meredith Packard to discuss other options that would be effective for treating your symptoms.

American Dental Association (ADA Approval)

The ADA reviews all mouth rinses for safety measures and to prove effectiveness. Any mouthwash approved by the ADA has met strict guidelines according to whether the manufacturer’s claims are supported with scientific evidence. If you’re looking for a quality mouthwash, look for one that has the ADA seal of approval to ensure you have a great rinse for your mouth.


When you’re trying to decide which mouthwash to pick, contact our McKinney, Texas or ask Meredith Packard during your next appointment. If you experience a burning sensation in the soft tissues of your mouth, be sure to discontinue use immediately. Avoid letting children under age six use a mouth rinse, and be sure to keep all mouthwashes out of the reach of children, because they contain alcohol and other substances that could be harmful.

Considerations When Picking the Right Mouthwash

June 26th, 2019

A solid oral health routine begins with daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Without a consistent oral health regimen, you may begin to experience tooth decay and bacterial infections. Few patients ask Meredith Packard about different mouthwash options, so we’ve put together a list of the conditions that mouthwashes can treat. This should help you decide which oral rinse would be best for you.

Gum Health

Antiseptic mouthwashes reduce large amounts of bacteria on and near the gum line and generally help to decrease your chances of developing gingivitis. The key ingredients of antiseptic mouthwashes are antibacterial and antimicrobial items. Antiseptic mouthwash is a preferable option if you are concerned about the general gum health of your mouth.


Fluoride is a great tool for preventive tooth decay treatment. It prevents tooth decay and is great for oral health in general because it kills germs that can live in your mouth. Fluoride also builds stronger teeth. If you’re a bottled water drinker, Meredith Packard may recommend that you purchase a simple fluoride rinse to use after brushing.

Bad Breath

Fluoride mouthwash can be used to fight any bad breath issues you may be facing. It’s designed to combat any bacteria that might be building up in your mouth. Most mouthwashes will help eliminate bad breath, but some are specifically designed to address this difficult problem. If you feel as though this might be turning into a chronic problem, please contact Meredith Packard to discuss other options that would be effective for treating your symptoms.

American Dental Association (ADA Approval)

The ADA reviews all mouth rinses for safety measures and to prove effectiveness. Any mouthwash approved by the ADA has met strict guidelines according to whether the manufacturer’s claims are supported with scientific evidence. If you’re looking for a quality mouthwash, look for one that has the ADA seal of approval to ensure you have a great rinse for your mouth.


When you’re trying to decide which mouthwash to pick, contact our McKinney, Texas or ask Meredith Packard during your next appointment. If you experience a burning sensation in the soft tissues of your mouth, be sure to discontinue use immediately. Avoid letting children under age six use a mouth rinse, and be sure to keep all mouthwashes out of the reach of children, because they contain alcohol and other substances that could be harmful.

Misconceptions About Orthodontics

June 19th, 2019

While everyone understands that a dentist takes care of teeth, not everyone is aware of what an orthodontist does. This confusion sometimes leads to misunderstandings about what Packard Family Orthodontics does for our patients and how exactly Meredith Packard can help them. Let’s take a closer look at a couple of the myths and misconceptions about orthodontists.

Perhaps the biggest misconception about the orthodontist is that they’re just like your family dentist. The truth is, they’re actually very different. While it’s true that both orthodontists and dentists care about helping you enjoy a lifetime of good dental and oral health, orthodontists go about achieving this goal in different ways. For instance, if you need to have a cavity filled, you probably won’t make an appointment to see an orthodontist. Dentists are the health professionals to see if you’re concerned about a cavity or need a filling. A dentist can also treat gum disease, tooth decay, toothaches, and other common oral health problems.

People see an orthodontist for very particular services. Most of the patients we see on a daily basis are here because they have braces, or they need to be fitted with braces or another form of tooth-straightening device. In other words, they consult an orthodontist when they are concerned about the alignment of their teeth. As a child grows up, his or her teeth may come in crooked. This can happen for a number of reasons, so it’s important for an orthodontist to take a look at a child’s teeth at about seven years of age. At that age, it’s possible to detect any problems that have not become too advanced to treat easily. Your family dentist may also refer your child to an orthodontist once the adult teeth have fully grown in.

Another common misconception about orthodontists is that they only treat children. It’s true that when you visit an orthodontic clinic you’re apt to see a lot of young kids, but you’ll also see teenagers, college students, and adults. Because crooked teeth can be caused by a number of different factors, it’s entirely possible for someone to require orthodontic treatment at any age.

If you want to know more about the practice of orthodontics or what your orthodontist can do for you, then simply ask Meredith Packard. It’s best to get answers to your specific questions directly from the person who will be treating you. While you’re sure to find Internet resources helpful, there really is no substitute for the personal attention you’ll get during your appointment at our McKinney, Texas office.

A Helpful Site on Orthodontics

June 12th, 2019

As you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, our team at Packard Family Orthodontics would like to point you to a helpful website. Our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) have lots of important information about everything relating to braces, including myths and facts of orthodontics, tips for a better orthodontic experience, and cool webisodes about orthodontics.

Check out AAO today and feel free to contact us at our McKinney, Texas office if you have any questions.

Meredith Packard and our team at Packard Family Orthodontics hope this information helps you!

Tips to Help You Beat the Heat This Summer

June 5th, 2019

The dog days of summer are upon us, and with the temperatures soaring, our team at Packard Family Orthodontics wants you to be extra careful about sun safety when you’re out and about. Check out this incredibly helpful article on the Ten Summer Safety Tips for Kids, courtesy of Discovery.

Meredith Packard and our team also encourage you to always have a bottle of water handy when heading out into the sun.

We hope you’re having a great summer! Let us know what you're up to below or on our Facebook page!

Play Sports? Use Mouthguards.

May 29th, 2019

Meredith Packard and our team recommend always wearing a protective mouthguard to participate in most physical sports. We especially encourage this if you have braces that can potentially cut your mouth or cause damage to your teeth. You have various choices to consider when you’re looking for a protective mouthguard.

One option is a full facial guard, which is often used for contact sports, such as football or hockey. This type offers full protection of the face from external impact. You should also consider an additional mouthguard to protect yourself from cuts inside your mouth, and avoid possible damage to your braces.

Boil-and-bites are another version of mouthguard that can be used for more physical sports. This type is used just the way its name implies: You warm the mouthguard in water to soften the material, then bite down gently once it’s at the correct temperature to form it into the shape of your mouth. These are fine to use temporarily, but they don’t always provide the best protection if they don’t fit properly.

Another option is to have Meredith Packard make a custom mouthguard for you. The mouthguard will be designed with built-in layers to protect both your teeth and braces when it’s worn. Having Meredith Packard create a custom-fitted mouthguard will ensure optimal protection and a comfortable fit whenever you participate in physical activities.

Protecting your teeth and braces is essential when you compete in sports. Accidents happen, and having a preventive mouthguard can potentially save you from oral pain and damaged braces. Our McKinney, Texas office is happy to assist you in creating a custom-made mouthguard for any sports activities you want to pursue.

If you’ve experienced a mouth injury that has caused damage to your braces, please contact us immediately so we can fix the problem right away. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to your oral health!

Memorial Day: Parades, remembrance, and the unofficial start of summer!

May 22nd, 2019

“The purpose of all war is peace.” - Saint Augustine

Fire truck sirens, baton twirlers, marching bands covering patriotic tunes, colorful floats, costumes, and millions of red, white, and blue American flags being waved in the air on a beautiful day in late May, that is what Memorial Day is all about. It is a federal holiday celebrated with town parades, remembrance, and a sense of unity and community togetherness.

Our team at Packard Family Orthodontics wants to take this time to wish you and your family a happy Memorial Day, as well as pause for a moment to reflect on what this holiday means and how it has changed over time. No, this is not a history lesson, but just a couple of thoughts and observances for you to take with you on your way to the next barbecue.

On the last Monday in May, America observes Memorial Day as a time to remember and celebrate the men and women who have lost their lives while serving our country in the Armed Forces. The holiday originated after the Civil War; at that time it was known as Decoration Day. While holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter remain the same from year to year, Memorial Day has changed over time, and in the 21st century we observe a far different holiday than what Americans did after the Civil War, or even the World Wars.

While many people place flags at cemeteries and visit national memorials in order to honor those who have passed away serving the country, Memorial Day is also a time for family barbecues, pool parties, trips to the beach, blockbuster movies, long weekend getaways, and fireworks. In America, Memorial Day has come to represent the unofficial start of the summer – a long, sunny, warm weekend devoted to family togetherness, outdoor events, and community.

It is time to load up the potato salad and the apple pie and head over to the neighbor’s house for their annual barbecue. And yes, contrary to popular belief, we do eat sweets, especially homemade apple pie! Everything in moderation, of course.

So whether you’re in the McKinney, Texas area or beyond, Happy Memorial Day to you and yours from Meredith Packard!

When You Need Immediate Care, We are Here for You

May 15th, 2019

At Packard Family Orthodontics, we know orthodontic emergencies are neither convenient nor timely. If you are a patient of record, Meredith Packard and our team are more than willing to see you after hours or over the weekend. As a general rule, you should call our McKinney, Texas office when you experience severe pain or when you have a painful appliance problem that you can’t take care of yourself. We’ll be able to schedule an appointment to resolve the problem. If you have an orthodontic emergency after regular office hours, please give us a call and follow the emergency prompts to contact one of our doctors.

Wishing all our moms a happy Mother’s Day!

May 8th, 2019

"Motherhood: All love begins and ends there." - Robert Browning

We would like to take this moment to thank all the great moms out there for being so great during their child’s visits to Packard Family Orthodontics. Whether it’s driving their kids to regularly scheduled appointments or for “being there” while their child is treatment, the moms who come to our office are all stellar individuals, so Meredith Packard and our entire staff would like you to know that we appreciate you all!

Happy Mother’s Day and enjoy your special day!

Summer is Almost Here: Tips for a bright, white smile!

May 1st, 2019

Summer is almost here, which means a season full of vacations, adventures and great memories is just around the corner for our patients at Packard Family Orthodontics.

Everyone wants a glowing and radiant white smile when the sun comes around and we have a few reminders to keep your pearly whites healthy and beautiful over the summer! Try to stay away from drinks that will stain your teeth like coffee, soft drinks, or dark colored juices. Not only will drinks like this weaken your enamel but they will also darken that fabulous smile you're working on! Another tip is to try and focus on brushing your teeth; everyone knows that when busy schedules start picking up, getting a good brushing session in tends to take the backseat! A good tip for keeping your mouth safe from staining and other possible pitfalls is to rinse your mouth with water after any meal you can’t fully brush your teeth after. Your teeth, inside and out, will benefit!

And remember, whether you are headed to a barbecue, a camping trip, or just having fun in the backyard this summer, we want to hear all about it! Make sure to let us know what you’re up to below or on our Facebook page! We also encourage you to post any photos from your adventures!

I got my braces. Now what?

April 24th, 2019

You’ve taken the first step toward a healthier and more beautiful appearance by getting braces at Packard Family Orthodontics, and you’re probably wondering what comes next. The first week is the period of biggest adjustment, and there’s a lot to learn in this short time. Don’t worry; in a few short days your braces will feel completely natural.

The first week

On the first day, your braces will probably feel very odd in your mouth; it will take time to get used to them. By the second day, you may feel some soreness or pain. If you are going to experience any pain, the second and third days are when it will happen. Most pain can be dealt with by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Tylenol.

What about sore spots?

Your cheeks and tongue are getting used to your new braces, just like your teeth are. You may develop sore spots where this soft tissue rubs against the harsh metal of your braces. The best way to avoid this and allow your mouth to heal is by covering the metal spot with orthodontic wax. Break off a small piece and roll it into a ball in your hands. Dry the metal of the braces with a cotton swab, then wrap the wax around the sharp spot to create a cushion.

What if they break?

Braces are held onto your teeth with special orthodontic glue. Once in a great while, part of your appliance may come loose from the surface of a tooth. This won’t harm anything; it will just be slightly inconvenient. Call our office right away and we will be able to glue the bracket back on.

Make sure you avoid hard items such as ice, brittle, and other hard candies, and don’t open packages with your teeth. These habits can contribute to braces popping off. Even fairly innocent-sounding items like popcorn or French bread can be a culprit, so avoid eating any hard foods, or cut them up into small pieces before consuming.

If you have questions about which foods to eat and avoid, or if your braces are more sore than expected, feel free to contact our McKinney, Texas office and ask Meredith Packard and our team. We’re more than happy to help!

Every Day is Earth Day

April 17th, 2019

During the early days of the environmental awareness movement, those who demonstrated against pollution, toxic chemicals, and the general public health were known as hippies. The early 1970s were a time of change, and assertions that we needed to pay more attention to the Earth's atmosphere were generally dismissed. But within a couple decades, it had become clear that the previous generation was right; the citizens of the world needed to become more environmentally conscious.

Many people feel that they can't make a difference if they don't do something big. But caring for the environment doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing concept. In fact, the little things you do can add up to make a great impact, especially in our community. Here are a few ways you can help the environment on Earth Day, April 22nd and all year around.

Four Small Ways to be Environmentally Friendly

  • Recycle Your Textiles. Nearly 21 million tons of textiles are added to American landfills each year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Donating your unwanted clothing to a secondhand store or an organization that repurposes fabric helps cut down on solid waste and conserves natural resources.
  • Reduce Usage of Disposables. Plastic bottles and bags, disposable diapers and other things we can use and toss out are convenient, but they're not necessary. Simply choosing to replace one of type of disposable with a reusable product can help you cut down on waste that has a large negative impact on our environment.
  • Conserve Water. If everyone in the United States turned off the water while brushing their teeth, more than 1.5 million gallons of water could be conserved. Turn the water on long enough to wet your toothbrush for brushing and rinsing, and then immediately turn the water off again.
  • Turn Off the Lights. Flip the light switch to "Off" if you're going to leave a particular room for 15 minutes or more. This will conserve energy on incandescent light bulbs and cut down on cooling costs.

It's not necessary to be an activist or install solar panels all over your home to help the environment. Although you can do these things, the little everyday measures make a big difference in helping to conserve energy and the environment, while reducing your carbon footprint. Our team at Packard Family Orthodontics wants to remind you to celebrate Earth Day and help the environment, knowing that it will benefit your and your children's generation.

Will my child benefit from early orthodontic treatment?

April 10th, 2019

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, orthodontic treatment for children should start at around age seven. Meredith Packard can evaluate your child’s orthodontic needs early on to see if orthodontic treatment is recommended for your son or daughter.

Below, we answer common questions parents may have about the benefits of early childhood orthodontics.

What does early orthodontic treatment mean?

Early orthodontic treatment usually begins when a child is eight or nine years old. Typically known as Phase One, the goal here is to correct bite problems such as an underbite, as well as guide the jaw’s growth pattern. This phase also helps make room in the mouth for teeth to grow properly, with the aim of preventing teeth crowding and extractions later on.

Does your child need early orthodontic treatment?

The characteristics and behavior below can help determine whether your little one needs early treatment.

  • Early loss of baby teeth (before age five)
  • Late loss of baby teeth (after age five or six)
  • The child’s teeth do not meet properly or at all
  • The child is a mouth breather
  • Front teeth are crowded (you won’t see this until the child is about seven or eight)
  • Protruding teeth, typically in the front
  • Biting or chewing difficulties
  • A speech impediment
  • The jaw shifts when the child opens or closes the mouth
  • The child is older than five years and still sucks a thumb

What are the benefits of seeking orthodontic treatment early?

Jaw bones do not harden until children reach their late teens. Because children’s bones are still pliable, corrective procedures such as braces are easier and often faster than they would be for adults.

Early treatment at our McKinney, Texas office can enable your child to avoid lengthy procedures, extraction, and surgery in adulthood. Talk with Meredith Packard today to see if your child should receive early orthodontic treatment.

April is National Facial Protection Month

April 3rd, 2019

The Importance of Facial Protection

Americans from all walks of life should mark April as National Facial Protection Month on their calendars. The American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Academy for Sports Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons have combined forces to sponsor this annual campaign, which aims to educate and remind us of the importance of protecting our face and teeth against impacts and injuries.

Wearing a helmet can save your life and prevent devastating physical damage in a variety of situations, from playing football to riding a bicycle. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, helmets reduce the risk of various head injuries by as much as 85 percent. Whether helmet laws apply in your area or not, Meredith Packard and our team at Packard Family Orthodontics want you to make sure you and your loved ones wear helmets with the appropriate safety ratings for specific activities. (A sticker on or inside the helmet will usually indicate this rating.) Helmets can also help save your teeth if they come with an attached faceguard, an essential addition for football players and others involved in contact sports.

Preventing Dental Injuries

A mouthguard can protect you against a variety of dental injuries, such as cracked, broken, or knocked-out teeth. The American Dental Association states that mouthguards play an essential role in preventing up to 200,000 dental injuries each year, and many states mandate their use for sports activities such as football and hockey. The Academy for Sports Dentistry warns, however, that these mouthguards must be custom-fitted as precisely as possible to prove effective. Have a professional-quality mouthguard molded and fitted by our team at Packard Family Orthodontics for better protection than a generic store-bought or “boil-and-bite” variety can offer. These cheaper versions tend to wear out quickly, interfere with proper breathing, and provide uneven degrees of cushion against impacts. Always have a fresh mouthguard fitted for each new sports season.

Choose the right combination of helmet, faceguard, and mouthguard to protect your teeth and face this April, and tell your friends to do the same! To learn more about mouthguards, or to schedule an appointment with Meredith Packard, please give us a call at our convenient McKinney, Texas office!

What's in my mouth? A Rundown of Orthodontic Appliances

March 27th, 2019

Meredith Packard and our team correct the alignment of your teeth and jaws so that you can speak clearly, chew food effectively, and look attractive when you smile. We do this by putting sophisticated gadgets in your mouth. While many of these dental devices look similar, we use a wide variety of orthodontic appliances to straighten your teeth and repair jaw problems.

Orthodontic appliances are devices that move your teeth, change the position of your jaw, or hold your teeth in their finished positions after your braces are removed. These devices may be attached to your teeth or removable.

Braces straighten your teeth. Brackets, bands, and wires characterize traditional braces. Braces are attached to the teeth, so they are not easily removable.

Spacers are small plastic rings fitted between your back teeth before your braces are placed by Meredith Packard. These spacers create space between your teeth to optimize the alignment your braces provide.

Retainers hold teeth in their finished position after your braces come off. A Hawley retainer is the most common type of retainer; it features an acrylic plate that rests against the roof of your mouth and a wire crossing in front of your teeth. Essex retainers are quite popular, as they are durable and nearly invisible.

Bite plates correct a deep bite, where the upper front teeth come down too far over the lower front teeth to cause bite problems.

Holding arches prevent the back teeth from moving forward to crowd the front teeth. A lower lingual holding arch prevents your permanent molars from migrating forward. The Nance holding arch maintains space between teeth after you lose baby teeth and before the permanent teeth come in.

A palatal expander widens your upper jaw by separating the bones of your palate. This appliance helps your top and bottom teeth fit together better. The Quad Helix widens your jaws to create more room for crowded teeth.

Contact our McKinney, Texas office today to learn more about the ways we can improve the appeal and function of your smile.

How long after my braces come off should I wear my retainer?

March 20th, 2019

Braces are an investment in your smile. When your teeth reach a desired straightness, you’ll have a beautiful smile, but it’s important to keep it that way! You can accomplish this with a retainer provided by Packard Family Orthodontics.

A retainer is a small, custom-fit device that reinforces the new position of your teeth after your braces are removed. But for many patients, especially the youngest ones, wearing a retainer may seem like an annoyance. So exactly how long after your braces come off should you wear your retainer?

Graduation of Wear Time

When we remove your braces, Meredith Packard will evaluate the condition of the bone structure surrounding your teeth and determine how well it is adjusting to the new position of your teeth. For the first few months, we may require you to wear your retainer both day and night, except during meal times and for brushing and flossing.

As the bone and gum tissues adjust to your new smile, we may determine that you need to wear your retainer only at night. After about one year of wearing the retainer every night, you may be able to take a couple of nights off each week.

However, we do not recommend ever stopping permanently. To best secure the position of the teeth, especially through future extractions and oral health changes, wearing your retainer a few nights a week will be necessary for many years.


If you are concerned about your appearance when you wear a retainer, there are many that can be worn discreetly. You could choose a clear plastic one that is less obvious during the months immediately following removal of your braces. When you change to night wear only, clear wire retainers are available for minimal visibility as well.

Another option is a lingual retainer. It is placed on the back sides of your teeth so no one will ever know it is there! Lingual retainers are also permanent, so there’s no risk of losing them.

Remember, wearing your retainer is an investment in your smile. If you fail to wear it consistently, the tissues that support your teeth will be unsupported, and you may begin to experience noticeable shifting. You’ve worked hard to get that beautiful smile — your retainer will let you keep it! Remember to call our McKinney, Texas office if you have any questions about your retainer!

St. Patrick's Day

March 13th, 2019

On March 17, everyone has a little Irish in them. St. Patrick’s Day is a joyous celebration of Irish heritage. The holiday originated as a commemoration of Saint Patrick, who brought Christianity to Ireland. The saint arrived in Ireland in 432 and earned the reputation of a champion of Irish Christianity. March 17th, the day of St. Patrick’s death, has been commemorated by the Irish for over 1,000 years. St. Patrick’s Day is still observed as a religious feast day by several Christian denominations, but it is better known in the public imagination as a rich celebration of Irish culture.

St. Patrick’s Day has been an official public holiday in Ireland since 1903. Each year, the Irish celebrate with a several-day festival that includes theater performances, music, fireworks, and festive parades. The celebration is also a public holiday in Northern Ireland, Montserrat, and Newfoundland and Labrador. In other parts of the world with heavy Irish populations, it is an unofficial celebration of Irish heritage. Parts of Great Britain, Canada, Argentina, South Korea, Switzerland, New Zealand, the United States, and Australia commemorate the holiday each year. Typical celebrations in these countries include drinking green beer, wearing green, eating traditional Irish foods, parades, and shamrock decorations.

Many people, Irish and non-Irish alike, take part in the “wearing of the green” on St. Patrick’s Day. In fact, the color originally associated with Saint Patrick was blue. His use of shamrocks to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish made the green clover emblematic of the holiday, leading to the traditional green attire worn by thousands on St. Patrick’s Day. Other little-known facts about St. Patrick’s Day include the following:

  • Each year, the United States and Ireland face off in a rugby competition called the “St. Patrick’s Day Test.”
  • Montreal celebrates the holiday with an annual parade, which has been held each year since 1824. The Montreal city flag even features a shamrock in its corner, as a nod to its Irish heritage.
  • The Guinness World Records named St. Patrick’s Day the “Friendliest Day of the Year.”
  • Along with Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most widely celebrated saint’s day in the world.

No matter your cultural heritage, St. Patrick’s Day is a great time to let loose and celebrate your inner Irish-ness! Don your greenest attire and exclaim “Erin go Bragh!” (Ireland forever!) to everyone you meet. From Meredith Packard - have a great St. Paddy’s day!

Elastics and Braces

March 6th, 2019

If you’ve visited Packard Family Orthodontics, then there’s a good chance you’re looking to perfect your smile by straightening your teeth with braces. At some point during your treatment, you may need to use elastics, otherwise known as rubber bands, for a certain period. These are used to apply additional pressure that will move your teeth in the right direction.

Placement of the elastics is specific to each patient’s teeth. These small rubber bands stretch over the tiny loops on both the top and bottom brackets. At first, Meredith Packard may recommend you wear the elastics both day and night for an extended time.

You may be told to switch only to nighttime wear once the teeth are set in the correct position. By consistently wearing the elastics, you can shorten the overall time your braces will have to be on.

The elastics are made from medical-grade latex. If you have an allergy to latex, make sure to let Meredith Packard know, so you can be given an alternate material. We will show you how to take elastics on and off when they’re given to you at your appointment.

You should remove them when you eat so they don’t become overstretched or break. It’s important not to overstretch the bands, and always to replace them if they break. Eventually it will become a familiar habit to carry the bands around with you for times when this might happen.

The Do’s and the Don’ts

  • DO … always wash your hands before removing or replacing the rubber bands.
  • DO … call us if you run out of elastics.
  • DO … get in the habit of carrying around extra rubber bands as replacements.
  • DON’T … double up on elastics because this can exert too much pressure on your teeth and could actually harm the roots.
  • DON’T … overstretch the rubber bands or they will lose strength and become ineffective.

If you were recently given elastics as well as your braces, feel free to ask any questions during your appointment, or call our McKinney, Texas office any time. Using elastics correctly is one more step in your journey to a perfect smile!

Are braces ruining your photos?

February 27th, 2019

While it’s normal to feel self-conscious, there is no reason to avoid photos just because you wear braces. Many people wear braces and you do not need to be embarrassed about them. There are also ways you can enjoy your photos without hiding your smile.

Make it Fun

Meredith Packard and our staff offer rubber bands for braces in a wide range of colors. Choose your favorite color and wear it with pride. You can mix and match your colors too. For Valentine’s Day, try alternating red and pink bands. For the Fourth of July, use red, white, and blue!

Bands are also available in neon colors and glow-in-the-dark designs. Your imagination is the only thing holding you back. You might want to avoid using dark green bands, though. It makes it look as though you have broccoli stuck in your teeth. Gross!

Make them Disappear

If your braces still really bother you in photos, technology can quickly solve the problem. A photo-editing program, or even a simple paint program, can easily erase your braces. Zoom in on your teeth, pick your natural tooth color with the dropper, and paint your braces away.

If you have a significant amount of metal in your braces, try to avoid close-ups with flash. The flash can reflect off the metal. The important thing to remember is how good your teeth will look and feel once your orthodontic work is complete. Meredith Packard and our staff can also show you options for braces that are not as visible as the traditional style.

How Braces Can Work at Any Age

February 20th, 2019

Are you an adult who is considering getting braces? Perhaps you’ve had them before, but over the years that dental work has been reversed. Or maybe you’ve never had any orthodontic work done, but are considering braces for the first time. In either case, Packard Family Orthodontics can help you enjoy straighter teeth, an improved bite, and a more beautiful smile. If you are considering getting braces, here is what you need to know about adult orthodontic work from Meredith Packard.

Can braces work for adults?

Absolutely! Braces work for just about anyone. However, there are several different types of braces, and not all of them may work for you. Different types of orthodontic treatments include:

  • Ceramic braces
  • Metal braces
  • Self-ligating brackets
  • Lingual brackets (braces behind the teeth)
  • Invisible braces
  • Rubber bands for bite correction
  • Headgear and other appliances

By scheduling a consultation, we can determine which treatment or combination of treatments would be best for your specific needs.

How do I get started?

Getting braces can be a little bit daunting. At first glance, the process may appear expensive and time-consuming. However, if you take it step by step, getting braces can be a simple and relatively pain-free experience. Here are the first steps you need to take to get on the road to straight teeth:

First, you need information. If you are nervous about getting braces, or are having trouble getting started, learning more about the process can help ease your mind. Here are a few sample questions to ask:

  • What kind of braces do you recommend for my teeth?
  • How long will the treatment take?
  • How often will I need to come in for adjustments?
  • What is the total cost of the treatment? Do you accept insurance? Will you require the full amount up front, or do you have payment plans?

Asking these types of questions will help you understand what to expect during the entire process, which can aid your decision on the proper course of action.

The next step is to complete any prerequisite treatment. During your first meeting with Meredith Packard, we’ll need to take some X-rays and molds of your teeth, and then help you determine an appropriate treatment plan. Recommendations may include some preliminary dental work before you get your braces, which can be an important step in making sure your orthodontic treatments are effective.

Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to get started! After you’ve chosen a treatment plan and undergone any necessary prerequisite dental work, you’ll be able to get your braces. Just like that, you’re on your way to a better smile! If you’d like to get started right away, call our McKinney, Texas location today!

The Start of Valentine’s Day

February 13th, 2019

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, has been said to originate with a Catholic priest named Valentine several thousand year ago. Valentine defied the emperor at the time by secretly marrying men and their brides after the emperor had made it illegal to marry. Emperor Claudius II did this because he wanted as many single young men to fight in his war as he could get.

Valentine disobeyed the emperor’s edict by continuing to marry couples until he was sentenced to death. Before his execution, he sent a letter to a secret love and signed it “From your Valentine.” Meredith Packard and our team have come up with some suggestions on how you can celebrate this Valentine’s Day, whether you have a valentine of your own or not.

Valentine's Day Ideas

  • Enjoy a tasty treat. There are plenty of options when it comes to cooking and/or baking on Valentine’s Day. Make your significant other his or her favorite meal or sweet treat, or make your own favorite dish to enjoy on this day. Oh, and be sure to make enough for leftovers!
  • Make a personalized card. Instead of buying a card from the grocery store, take the time to make your own for a loved one. People love handwritten notes, especially when it’s from someone special. If you’re single this Valentine’s Day, make a card for fellow single friend to brighten the day and remind the person that he or she is also loved.
  • Watch a movie. We all know there are plenty of romance movies out there. Put on your favorite romantic comedy, or pick up your significant other’s favorite movie to watch together. Even better, if you’re single, pick up your own favorite movies to watch to pass the time this Valentine’s Day.
  • Do nothing! We all know Valentine’s Day can sometimes get a lot of hype. If you’re worried about not making a reservation in time, don’t feel like planning an extravagant night out, or simply not in the holiday mood this year, spend your day sitting back and relaxing.

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and spend quality hours with the people you care about the most. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, take some time today to appreciate those you love in your life.

We wish you a happy Valentine’s Day celebration and look forward to seeing you at our McKinney, Texas office during your next appointment.

Sugar and Your Orthodontic Treatment

February 6th, 2019

One word no one likes to hear is “cavity!”

For those patients of ours wearing braces, hearing that word is especially problematic, considering that delaying any dental work may result in delaying treatment time.

We often blame candy as the culprit behind tooth decay, but other foods and drinks that kids consume can be just as harmful to their teeth, and can lead to cavities and tooth decay. Keeping your teeth or your child’s teeth from decay during treatment starts with a proper diet, and today, our team at Packard Family Orthodontics will explain the negative effects that candy and other treats, including peanut butter, raisins, fruit juice, and chewy fruit snacks, have on your child’s teeth as he or she undergoes orthodontic treatment. Keep in mind that half of your child’s sugar intake may be coming from beverages that he or she drinks. A major offender is soda, but be mindful of fruit juices as well.

While sugar is known to sit in your child’s teeth and in between and under brackets and wires after consumption, it is important to know sugar is not the only cavity-causing culprit. Carbohydrates, starches, acids, and any food that is chewy or sticks break down into sugars, and can promote tooth decay.

So, what are the alternatives?

Candy such as dark chocolate, sugar-free gum, or anything that contains xylitol, a sugar substitute, is not as harmful for your teeth as hard, chewy, or sticky sweets. Sugar-free gum or gum that contains xylitol are known to reduce levels of bacteria on teeth.

And if you’re still looking for something to snack on, we recommend cutting up easy-to-eat fruits and vegetables. You would also be surprised how much eating a banana or sipping on a glass of water helps you curb snack cravings.

If you’re one of those folks who just can’t stay away from sweets, we encourage you to brush your teeth immediately afterward and swish water in your mouth.

Whatever you eat, Meredith Packard and our team want you to remember to brush often, floss regularly, and visit your general dentist as your treatment progresses. If you have any questions about sugary foods or drinks, please give us a call or ask us during your next adjustment visit!

Avoid Brushing After Every Single Meal!

January 30th, 2019

Here is some surprising yet worthwhile advice you might be hearing for the first time: Brushing after a meal can be incredibly bad for your teeth if you do it after eating certain foods.

Enamel is an extremely hard mineral on the exterior of each of your teeth. It’s actually the hardest substance in the human body: It’s even stronger than your bones! Its only weakness is that acids in the food we eat can easily destroy enamel.

Healthy teeth thrive in an environment that has the proper pH balance. That ensures your mouth doesn’t start the process of demineralization. That’s what happens when alkaline turns into acid, which attacks and softens the enamel on the surface of your teeth. Pores and fissures form, and that’s when the harmful bacteria go to work.

Our mouth’s pH level fluctuates depending on what we eat throughout the day. Examples of the most common highly acidic foods include citrus fruits, soda, and sugary foods. Highly acidic foods tip the balance of pH in your mouth from a healthy alkaline to a dangerous acid.

Can brushing your teeth immediately after a meal lead to even more damage? The answer is yes!

Eating highly acidic foods causes your teeth to be more susceptible. If you brush your teeth when they have been weakened by acids, even more destruction can happen to your enamel. Your toothbrush’s bristles will actually wear away some of your enamel. So it’s healthier to wait at least an hour after eating or snacking to brush.

Good preventive measures to take instead of brushing after you eat include:

  • Rinsing or drinking water
  • Chewing sugarless gum
  • Consuming dairy or non-acidic foods to conclude your meal

These practices help produce saliva, which in turn restores a healthy pH level in your mouth and coats the teeth with minerals they need.

Once you’ve allowed time for your mouth to be restored to a healthy pH level, you may brush your teeth as you normally would. Keep in mind that acidic foods can weaken the enamel on your teeth and take the right measures to prevent spiking pH levels.

Most important, don’t forget to wait to brush at least one hour after you eat!

Still have questions? Call our McKinney, Texas office and schedule an appointment with Meredith Packard.

Dental X-Rays: Are They Safe?

January 23rd, 2019

X-rays have been a function of dental healthcare for a long time. That in and of itself should be good news, because it means we've had plenty of time to improve them. While there is always some risk in exposure to radiation, dental X-ray exposure has decreased significantly due to all the advances in technology. So there’s risk, but X-rays are quite safe.

Think of X-rays as you would about a car. Automobiles these days have all kinds of technology to make them as safe as possible. There's still a chance that you’ll suffer an accident. Would you stop using a car because of that risk? When it comes to dental X-rays, Meredith Packard and our team believe the positives clearly outweigh the negatives.

X-rays can be done digitally or with film. For film, X-rays require different exposures at different speeds to produce the image. Digital X-rays have software that automatically adjusts the exposure and produces the X-ray in a digital file. Since they substantially reduce your exposure to radiation, digital X-rays are the current standard in dental offices.

In addition to digital X-rays, lead aprons are an essential piece of X-ray safety. They help protect internal organs from X-rays by acting as a shield. They usually come with a thyroid collar as well, since that is one of the most vulnerable areas to X-rays in the body. Lead aprons can absorb up to 95% of any scatter rays that result from an X-ray. Not bad, right?

Although dental X-rays involve some radiation exposure (not all of it can be eliminated), so does everyday life. Getting too much sun, for example, can be dangerous. The truth is, we accumulate radiation in our bodies over a lifetime, so it’s worthwhile to be aware and avoid as much unnecessary exposure as possible. When it comes to your dental health, though, getting an X-ray — especially when your doctor says you need it — offers more benefits than risks.

Ask us about the type of dental X-rays we use during your next visit to our McKinney, Texas office!

Help! My gums hurt when I floss!

January 16th, 2019

By no stretch is it rare for your gums to hurt during and after flossing. Even some bleeding is to be expected. This is especially true if you have not flossed in a long time. However, if your gums do indeed hurt when you floss, and unbearably so, there are some things you can do.

Be Gentle

Perhaps the most obvious way to combat gum soreness and bleeding is to be gentle. One of the most common occurrences of these gum problems is over-aggressive flossing. In other words, if you are too rough on your gums while flossing, either because you are out of practice or because you are in a hurry, soreness and hurting is to be expected. Instead, try taking your time and be gentle. Also, if you are just starting out, be patient and consistent, your gums will become more conditioned over time.

Use an Alternative Method

If being consistent and gentle does not work, there are other alternative methods of flossing that you can try. You can also try a water floss machine, or what is sometimes called a water pick. The device essentially shoots water into the crevasses between your teeth, and in other areas of your mouth, in order to dislodge food and plaque. These oral instruments also come with different attachments that allow you to reach many of the hard to see and reach areas of your mouth. And lastly, you can always buy floss that is not as abrasive to your gums. There is floss that comes with soft and gentle coatings that will do less harm to your gums while they are adjusting to the good oral hygiene habit you are creating.

Flossing is one of the easiest parts of oral hygiene to overlook. When you first start out, it is common that you may want to stop because of the pain it can initially cause. However, if you try one, or all, of the above mentioned methods, you will give yourself the best chance of being success with your flossing, and it won't hurt as much.

For more flossing tips, schedule an appointment at our McKinney, Texas office and askMeredith Packard or a member of our team!

Helpful Hints for Dealing with Braces Pain

January 9th, 2019

Your first few days with braces will feel rather odd, awkward, and even painful. The day you get your braces you will probably just feel weird, like you have something in your mouth – because you do. You are most likely to feel pain and soreness during the second and third days. After that, you should be fine. If you experience any pain with your braces, there are a few things you can do to get some relief.

Home Remedies

Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water will soothe it and promote healing. Rinse several times a day or when your mouth, particularly mouth sores, are hurting. You can also take some Tylenol every four hours. Meredith Packard and our team advise against products that contain ibuprofen because it slows down the movement of your teeth.

You can also eat cold foods like ice cream or yogurt. The cold of the food will help dull the pain. Ice packs applied to your mouth help as well. You can also swish ice water around your mouth, but DO NOT eat ice!

Cool Products

Products for canker sores can be applied to the mouth sores you develop from your braces. There are also various rinses you can use that act as a shield or barrier in your mouth, and protect your mouth sores from further irritation.

Meredith Packard and our team may have given you some dental wax to put on the abrasive areas of your braces to protect your mouth. Putting dental wax on the brackets creates a barrier that keeps your mouth from getting scraped and sore.

Bite wafers are another great pain relief too. When you bite down on the wafer, it increases circulation in your gums, which can ease the pain a bit. Just a little pressure will work; you don’t want to bite too hard. And they usually come in cool colors, too!

The pain won’t last forever. One day you will wake up and you won’t have any pain. In fact, you probably won’t even notice the braces in your mouth at all!

Tooth Protection and Winter Sports

January 2nd, 2019

Just because it’s cold out there doesn’t mean you’ll give up keeping fit and active! Winter is the season for some of our favorite team sporting activities, and when you’re donning your protective gear, don’t forget to protect your teeth as well.

  • Basketball

This sport actually tallies one of the highest counts of dental injuries. Running, jumping, and diving for the ball on an unforgiving court can lead to tooth and jaw injuries.  And for every ten men on the floor, it seems like there at least 50 flailing elbows in the paint.

  • Hockey

Notorious for the toll it takes on teeth, hockey is a game of sticks, ice, and whizzing pucks. And when your sport’s penalties include the terms hooking, slashing, and tripping, the more protection, the better.

  • Skiing

When you are flying down the slopes, combining powdery snow and speed, mouth protection is a good idea. This also applies to snowboarding and other snow sports.

  • Wrestling

Grappling and pinning in close quarters can lead to unintended injuries after accidental contact with the mat or your opponent.

Different uniforms, different equipment, and different playing fields, but all these sports have one thing in common—the easiest way to protect your teeth while playing them is with a mouth guard.

Mouthguards generally come in three forms:

  • Over the counter, ready-made appliances. These are available in drugstores and sporting goods stores, but might not be a comfortable fit as they are pre-formed sizes.
  • The “boil-and-bite” option is a mouthguard form placed in hot water. You then bite down to shape it to your mouth and teeth.
  • Custom mouthguards can be fabricated just for you through our McKinney, Texas office. These appliances are designed to fit your individual mouth and teeth, so provide a better fit and better protection. They are also usually more durable and more comfortable. If you wear braces, you definitely need a custom mouthguard to prevent an injury to your mouth or braces caused by an ill-fitting appliance.

Whether you play on a team or pursue individual athletic activities, keeping safe as you keep fit is your first priority. We would be happy to discuss your mouthguard options for any sport, any time of year.

New Year's Eve

December 26th, 2018

Watching the clock tick down the final seconds until midnight, many of us- Packard Family Orthodontics included- feel nostalgic about the passing year and hopeful about the new one to come. New Year’s Eve is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the world, with over-the-top celebrations taking place in dozens of countries. The Gregorian calendar, which is widely used in Western nations and around the world, was implemented in 1582. Since that time, December 31st has marked the final day of the year, with midnight heralding the beginning of a brand new year. In the United States, New Year’s Day is a public holiday; government offices, schools, public organizations, and many businesses are closed for the day. Ponder the following fun facts as you think about your plans for the holiday:

  • Approximately one billion people watch the New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square, New York City. This televised event is one of the most iconic New Year’s celebrations in the world. For many years, watching the ball drop meant tuning in to Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve, an iconic television special dear to the hearts of many viewers.
  • The idea for the New Year’s Eve ball came about because of a citywide ban on fireworks. Before 1907, when fireworks became illegal in New York City, celebrations included an elaborate fireworks show. The large, glittering, illuminated ball was developed as an alternative. Although the first ball was heavy at 700 pounds, the modern New Year’s Eve ball is made of Waterford crystal and tips the scale at six tons!
  • The top five New Year’s resolutions are: to lose weight, quit smoking, get a new job, return to school, or increase personal savings. However, approximately 88% of New Year’s resolutions fail. But don’t let that discourage you! Resolutions are most likely to succeed when they are clear, achievable goals. Setting out a concrete plan to achieve your resolution also boosts your chances of success.
  • Eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day is said to bring good fortune in the new year. Collard greens, cabbage, and ham hocks are also considered lucky foods to enjoy. Just steer clear of the chicken or turkey dinners; eating poultry is a bad omen for the year to come.

Whether you plan to stay in McKinney, Texas, or head out into the crowds to watch the ball drop in Times Square, New Year’s Eve is a time to enjoy friends and family. Send your loved ones well wishes for the New Year, and look for that special someone to share a midnight kiss with for good luck!