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A Vital Guide to Orthodontics: Understanding Bone Loss and Teeth Straightening

October 17th, 2023

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If you're an adult contemplating braces or Invisalign to achieve that perfect smile but concerned about bone loss around your teeth, this post is for you.

In our previous blog, we discussed the implications of direct-to-consumer aligners like Smile Direct Club. Today, we're addressing a related topic – bone loss and its impact on your orthodontic journey.

The Role of Bone in Teeth Stability

Before we dive into the details, let's understand the critical role that bone plays in maintaining the stability of your teeth. Our teeth initially grow within our jawbones, eventually settling into their proper positions. The bone not only supports the teeth but also ensures their stability.

Healthy bone height is essential for the longevity of your teeth. Generally, there's a slight gap between the gum and the bone around your teeth. However, some factors can lead to bone loss, particularly due to poor oral hygiene and the development of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Inadequate hygiene practices can result in bacteria producing acid on your teeth, which can lead to cavities, white spots, or even cavities.

The Connection Between Bone Loss and Teeth Movement

Now, let's explore the link between bone loss and teeth movement. When you opt for braces or Invisalign to straighten your teeth, you're essentially moving them. As your teeth shift, your bone must remodel to accommodate these changes, allowing the teeth to move smoothly and reach their desired positions.

Healthy bones facilitate this process, ensuring your teeth can move as intended. However, if you have existing bone loss or periodontal issues, it's crucial to address these concerns before embarking on orthodontic treatment.

Why Bone Health Matters in Orthodontics

Here's why bone health is paramount when seeking orthodontic treatment:

  1. Effectiveness: If you have healthy bone, your teeth can move more effectively and predictably. This is especially important for achieving the best results within your expected treatment timeframe.
  2. Preventing Further Loss: If you undergo orthodontic treatment with compromised bone health, there's a risk of exacerbating the bone loss. This can lead to tooth mobility and a higher chance of tooth loss, which is something we all want to avoid.

When to Seek Professional Evaluation

Whether you're young or an adult, a visit to your orthodontist is essential before initiating any orthodontic treatment. They will assess the health of your teeth, review X-rays, and consider your dental history.

In case you have a history of bone loss or periodontal issues, your orthodontist may recommend consulting with specialists like periodontists, who can provide deep cleanings and specialized treatments to manage bone and gum health.

For those who've experienced bone loss in the past but have stabilized the condition, it's still possible to undergo orthodontic treatment, provided the bone loss isn't actively progressing.

In Conclusion: Prioritize Bone and Gum Health

In the pursuit of straight teeth and a beautiful smile, it's vital to prioritize the health of your bones and gums. Proper evaluation and addressing any underlying issues with your local orthodontist, dentist, or specialist will put you in the best position to embark on your orthodontic journey.

If you have any experience with pre-treatment orthodontics, post-treatment orthodontic work for your bones, or any questions regarding bone health and orthodontics, feel free to contact us for an appointment. Remember, this post is a general overview, and individual cases may require personalized assessments.

Book your appointment with Dr. Ryan Packard today for your initial consultation. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We're committed to enlightening you about the world of straight teeth and beautiful bites, so stay tuned for more valuable insights.

Your journey to a radiant smile begins with the right foundation – healthy bones and gums.

Understanding Impacted Teeth and Expose-and-Bond Procedure at Packard Family Orthodontics

September 27th, 2023


Do you have an impacted tooth, and are you considering an expose-and-bond procedure? Welcome back, everyone! I'm Dr. Ryan Packard, your local orthodontist at Packard Family Orthodontics. Today, we'll delve into the world of impacted teeth and discuss the traditional approach known as the expose-and-bond procedure. We've touched on this topic before, but it's essential to understand the options available when dealing with impacted teeth.

Impacted Teeth: A Recap

Before we dive into the expose-and-bond procedure, let's briefly revisit what impacted teeth are. An impacted tooth is one that fails to emerge or align correctly with the surrounding teeth. This can happen for various reasons, such as lack of space, deviation from its natural path, or other factors.

In some cases, you may wonder if it's necessary to address impacted teeth at all. As previously mentioned, leaving them untreated is an unconventional but viable option for some. We recently encountered a fascinating case where a patient had chosen not to address their impacted canines, and it turned out surprisingly well. Despite having four impacted baby canines, these teeth had remained in place for decades. However, it's crucial to understand that while leaving impacted teeth untreated can be an option, there are potential consequences to consider. We always recommend discussing your specific situation with your local orthodontist.

Traditional Approach: Expose-and-Bond Procedure

Now, let's explore the traditional approach to dealing with impacted teeth, which involves the expose-and-bond procedure. This procedure is typically employed when it's deemed beneficial to bring the impacted tooth into its proper position.

Here's a step-by-step overview of the expose-and-bond procedure:

  1. Creation of Space: First, your orthodontist may use braces or Invisalign to create enough space for the impacted tooth to move into its intended location. This process may take several months and involves gentle shifting of surrounding teeth to make room.
  2. Consultation with Specialists: Once adequate space is achieved, you'll likely be referred to a dental specialist, such as an oral surgeon or a periodontist. These specialists will perform the expose-and-bond procedure.
  3. Exposure: During the procedure, the specialist will numb or anesthetize the area to ensure your comfort. They will then make an incision to expose the impacted tooth, which may be encased in gums and bone.
  4. Attachment of Bracket: A bracket, similar to the ones used in traditional braces, is affixed to the exposed tooth. This bracket typically features a chain, similar to an anchor, attached to it.
  5. Closing the Incision: After attaching the bracket and chain, the specialist will carefully close the incision with stitches, ensuring the tooth remains accessible.
  6. Alignment and Movement: Once the impacted tooth is exposed and bracketed, your orthodontic treatment continues. Your orthodontist will use various techniques, such as springs or wires, to gently pull the tooth into its correct position over time.
  7. Patience and Monitoring: The process of moving an impacted tooth can be lengthy and requires patience. Regular check-ups with your orthodontist and specialist are crucial to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.


The expose-and-bond procedure is a traditional but effective approach to dealing with impacted teeth, ensuring they move into their proper positions within your mouth. While it can be a lengthy journey, with the right care and patience, most impacted teeth can be successfully aligned.

If you have an impacted tooth or are considering this procedure, consult with your local orthodontist, such as Packard Family Orthodontics in McKinney and Anna, Texas. They can provide personalized guidance and develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Remember, your oral health is essential, and addressing impacted teeth is a step toward achieving a healthy, beautiful smile. Book your appointment with Dr. Ryan Packard today for your initial consultation. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a consultation. We look forward to welcoming you to become a part of the Packard Family Orthodontics community!